(Fake) Markov Chains
WARNING: The content contained herein may or may not be sensical. Side effects may include laughter, anger, shallow thoughts, deep thoughts and blindness. Reader discretion is advised
A Few Thoughts on Cryptographic Engineering
https://blog.cryptographyengineering.com/ RSS↗
Some random thoughts about crypto. Notes from a course I teach. Pictures of my dachshunds.
A Working Library
https://aworkinglibrary.com/writing/ RSS↗
A working library is a blog about work, reading & technology by Mandy Brown
About me on Eduardo Rodriguez
https://blog.erodriguez.de/ RSS↗
Recent content in About me on Eduardo Rodriguez
Aleksandr Hovhannisyan
https://www.aleksandrhovhannisyan.com/feed.xml RSS↗
Dev tutorials, thoughts on software development, and the occasional essay.
Alex Molas Blog
Welcome to my personal blog! Here you'll find a glimpse into my life as a husband, father, and data scientist (in that order).
Alexander Ameye
https://alexanderameye.github.io/notes/feed.xml RSS↗
Personal internet space of Alexander Ameye. Writing notes about Unity, gamedev, graphics programming and occasionally other things.
All Things Distributed
https://www.allthingsdistributed.com/ RSS↗
Werner Vogels on building scalable and robust distributed systems
Amy Unger
Mistakes as a Service Provider | I type for a living at GitHub 🐙 | ex-Heroku 💜 | ex-Getty Images 📸 | she & her
Andrew Ayer - Blog
https://www.agwa.name/blog RSS↗
- The Story Behind Last Week's Let's Encrypt Downtime
- The Difference Between Root Certificate Authorities, Intermediates, and Resellers
- The SSL Certificate Issuer Field is a Lie
- whoarethey: Determine Who Can Log In to an SSH Server
- No, Google Did Not Hike the Price of a .dev Domain from $12 to $850
- and more...
Baldur Bjarnason's Notes on the Web
https://www.baldurbjarnason.com/archive/ RSS↗
Everything from www.baldurbjarnason.com
- The web is a creative industry and is facing the same decline and shattered economics as film, TV, or publishing
- Interim note 5: web media and web dev employment
- Interim note 4: time-based media
- Quick and only partially coherent review of 2024
- Interim note 3: text-based media in the age of showmanship
- and more...
Bits about Money
https://www.bitsaboutmoney.com/ RSS↗
About the modern financial infrastructure that the world sits atop of.
Bix Dot Blog
The unsupported use case of Bix Frankonis’ disordered, surplus, mediocre midlife in St. Johns, Oregon.
Blog on The Greshm Institute
https://www.greshm.org/blog/ RSS↗
Recent content in Blog on The Greshm Institute
Blog posts on .NET Software Development, C#, and Debugging on Michael's Coding Spot
https://michaelscodingspot.com/ RSS↗
Recent content in Blog posts on .NET Software Development, C#, and Debugging on: Michael's Coding Spot
- Observability and Distributed Tracing Terminology Guide
- My book "Practical Debugging for .NET Developers" is now Free!
- How culture and structure in big tech (GAFAM) show in their products
- Changing TypeScript library functions while keeping backwards compatibility
- Recapping C# and .NET in 2023: Announcements, Conferences, and best Blog Posts
- and more...
Blog | Pekka Laiho
https://laihoconsulting.com/blog/ RSS↗
Website and personal blog of Pekka Laiho, software engineer and financial enthusiast.
Blog | Sam Curry
- Hacking Kia: Remotely Controlling Cars With Just a License Plate
- Hacking Millions of Modems (and Investigating Who Hacked My Modem)
- Leaked Secrets and Unlimited Miles: Hacking the Largest Airline and Hotel Rewards Platform
- Web Hackers vs. The Auto Industry: Critical Vulnerabilities in Ferrari, BMW, Rolls Royce, Porsche, and More
- Exploiting Web3's Hidden Attack Surface: Universal XSS on Netlify's Next.js Library
- and more...
Bob Monsour
https://www.bobmonsour.com/archive/ RSS↗
Hi! I'm Bob Monsour. I'm a web hobbyist that enjoys building websites with 11ty and writing about things.
Everythings Better With Brentter is home to where I keep my thoughts on web development, open-source projects, self-hosting, music and more. You also might find the occasional cookie recipe.
BrettTerpstra.com - The Mad Science of Brett Terpstra
https://brettterpstra.com/ RSS↗
Welcome to The Lab, detailing the coding and automation exploits of Brett Terpstra.
Campbell McLauchlan
https://universealacarte.blogspot.com/ RSS↗
Research and blog posts on physics and quantum computing
Cassidy Williams
https://cassidoo.co/blog/ RSS↗
I'm Cassidy Williams, a software engineer, mom, and overall nerd in Chicago. I write about tech, projects, and whatever else I'm thinking about!
https://challahscript.com/ RSS↗
Hazel Bachrach's technical blog. Should include some dumb and not-so-dumb stuff about software engineering.
https://www.chamline.net/blog/ RSS↗
A digital repository for my thoughts, perspectives, and interests on a variety of topics that I find informative, inspiring, or intriguing.
Chip Huyen
https://huyenchip.com/blog/ RSS↗
I help companies deploy machine learning into production. I write about AI applications, tooling, and best practices.
Chris Warrick (Blog)
https://chriswarrick.com/ RSS↗
A rarely updated blog, mostly about programming.
- PowerShell: the object-oriented shell you didn’t know you needed
- Python Packaging, One Year Later: A Look Back at 2023 in Python Packaging
- How to improve Python packaging, or why fourteen tools are at least twelve too many
- Writing a Console App in C# for Fun and Profit
- Enabling Virtualization Support in Boot Camp with rEFInd
- and more...
Chris' Full Stack Blog RSS Feed
https://chrisfrew.in/posts/ RSS↗
Become a better full stack software engineer. Check out Chris' Full Stack Blog!
Christian Hollinger
https://chollinger.com/blog/ RSS↗
Recent content on Christian Hollinger
- My 2025 Homelab Updates: Quadrupling Capacity
- Why I still self host my servers (and what I've recently learned)
- Improving my Distributed System with Scala 3: Consistency Guarantees & Background Tasks (Part 2)
- Moving a Proxmox host with a SAS HBA as PCI passthrough for zfs + TrueNAS
- Building a functional, effectful Distributed System from scratch in Scala 3, just to avoid Leetcode (Part 1)
- and more...
Combinatorics and more
https://gilkalai.wordpress.com/ RSS↗
Gil Kalai's blog
- Jiaoyang Huang, Theo Mckenzie, Horng-Tzer Yau: Ramanujan Property and Edge Universality of Random Regular Graphs
- The Answer to TYI (57): In Dimension Three or More, Intuitive Norms are Euclidean
- Test Your Intuition (57): Are All Norms Nice?
- Last hours of 2024: One Wish, Reviving(?) Polymath3, Peter Sarnak’s Question, and Quantum Plans
- Winter School on Expansion in Groups, Combinatorics, and Complexity
- and more...
Computer Things
https://buttondown.com/hillelwayne RSS↗
Hi, I'm Hillel. This is the newsletter version of [my website](https://www.hillelwayne.com). I post all website updates here. I also post weekly content just for the newsletter, on topics like * Formal Methods * Software History and Culture * Fringetech and exotic tooling * The philosophy and theory of software engineering You can see the archive of all public essays [here](https://buttondown.email/hillelwayne/archive/).
Confessions of a Code Addict
https://blog.codingconfessions.com/ RSS↗
Demystifying complex programming concepts through deep technical explorations of language internals, computer architecture, and performance engineering – helping curious developers become better by understanding how things really work under the hood.
Copper • A blog about conductive layers
https://alinpanaitiu.com/blog/ RSS↗
A place for long journeys into reverse engineering random things, scratching annoying itches with code and automating whatever can be automated.
Counting From Zero
https://countingfromzero.blog/ RSS↗
Building a liberal arts CS program in the age of ubiquity
Crazy Stupid Tech
https://crazystupidtech.com/ RSS↗
Crazy Stupid Tech is a weekly newsletter about innovation and new technologies by longtime tech journalists Crazy Stupid Tech is a weekly newsletter about innovation and new technologies by longtime tech journalists Om MalikOm Malik and and Fred VogelsteinFred Vogelstein..Together we have followed Silicon Valley’s innovation engine for decades. We've seen a lot. But one observation stands out: The best ideas - the ones that launch meaningful companies - need to seem crazy and stupid at first.Together we have followed Silicon Valley’s innovation engine for decades. We've seen a lot. But one observation stands out: The best ideas - the ones that launch meaningful companies - need to seem crazy and stupid at first.We get that tech makes many of us more nervous than hopeful right now. But as Silicon Valley’s influence extends deeper into all corners of our economy and lives, there also have never been more interesting, crazy, stupid new and interesting technologies out there. They are not getting enough attention. So our goal is to tell you about them.We get that tech makes many of us more nervous than hopeful right now. But as Silicon Valley’s influence extends deeper into all corners of our economy and lives, there also have never been more interesting, crazy, stupid new and interesting technologies out there. They are not getting enough attention. So our goal is to tell you about them.Our focus is on tech-of-technology that shapes the future. Our focus is on tech-of-technology that shapes the future. We believe, that the tech-of-tech is the best lens to focus on the future.We believe, that the tech-of-tech is the best lens to focus on the future.What do you get in this newsletter? Two features and two interviews a month. Delivered weekly. That’s it. No subscription fees! No, upsell! Nothing other than, What do you get in this newsletter? Two features and two interviews a month. Delivered weekly. That’s it. No subscription fees! No, upsell! Nothing other than, Crazy Stupid TechCrazy Stupid Tech!!Read: Read: The Why of Crazy Stupid TechThe Why of Crazy Stupid Tech
Daring Fireball
https://daringfireball.net/ RSS↗
By John Gruber
- ★ Nokia’s Next-Day Internal Competitive Analysis of the Original iPhone Largely Got It Right
- Microsoft Cleans Up Dirty Trick Where Bing Masqueraded as Google
- Another Never-Announced Product Might Fail to Meet Its Never-Announced Ship Date
- Joanna Stern’s Imaginary Husband
- Google Search, More Machine Now Than Man, Begins Requiring JavaScript
- and more...
David Buchanan's Blog
https://www.da.vidbuchanan.co.uk/blog/ RSS↗
CTF writeups, programming, and miscellaneous stuff.
Dodgy Coder
https://www.dodgycoder.net/ RSS↗
"I encourage you to change all your data types to boolean. Whenever there's a data quality issue, it can only be wrong by 1 bit." - Anonymous
https://domainanalysis.io/ RSS↗
Indu's take on analyzing the complexity of any given domain using structured approaches, such as Systems Thinking, Domain-Driven Design, and other methods that stem from the Service Design world, like Service Blueprints.
- Architecture Modernization Execution: When did estimates turn into deadlines?
- A little deep dive into APIs and breaking changes and lessons learned!
- Document your product and software architecture decisions.
- Different ways to understand the current state of your system
- Application and Architecture Modernization - Where do we Start?
- and more...
Downtown Doug Brown
https://www.downtowndougbrown.com/ RSS↗
Thoughts from a combined Apple/Linux/Windows geek.
- Easy repair of a defective NZXT Signal 4K30 capture card
- How webcams with focus control work (Razer Kiyo Pro repair)
- The capacitor that Apple soldered incorrectly at the factory
- Hardware repair of an Elgato HD60 S that only worked on Mac
- Are wireless gamepads terrible? Mario Maker TAS playback with an RP2040
- and more...
Ed Zitron's Where's Your Ed At
https://www.wheresyoured.at/ RSS↗
The Words of Ed Zitron, a PR person and writer.
Eugene Yan
Eugene Yan works at the intersection of consumer data & tech to build machine learning products, and writes about effective data science, learning & career.
Evan Schwartz
https://emschwartz.me/rss/ RSS↗
Hi 👋, I'm Evan Schwartz. I'm an ideas person, inventor, and software engineer (Rust/Typescript).
Explaining Software Design
https://explaining.software/ RSS↗
by by Zach TellmanZach Tellman For the past few years, I've been working on a book about software design. Its thesis is fairly simple: > Software development can be reduced to a single, iterative action. Almost everything we do in the course of a day — the pull requests, the meetings, the whiteboard diagrams, the hallway conversations — is an explanation. Our job is to explain, over and over, the meaning of our software: what it is, and what we expect it to become. In this newsletter, I'll be sharing some excerpts from my still-incomplete manuscript. I'll also share some tangential thoughts that didn't make the cut. Topics will include: * practical definitions for simplicity and complexity * names and metaphors * the history of software design * language models as software developers, and vice-versa If any of this sounds interesting, you should check out the [introductory post](https://explaining.software/archive/a-brief-introduction/) and subscribe.
Frederick's delirious rantings
https://frederickvanbrabant.com/ RSS↗
Recent content on Frederick's delirious rantings
FrostKiwi's Secrets
https://blog.frost.kiwi/feed.xml RSS↗
A collection of useful things I want to share with the world
Blog about travel and lifestyle.
- Numbers on Singapore's Startup Ecosystem - 2025 Edition
- Hunting Frogs: A Journey Through Devcon, Frog Points, and Starting a Movements
- How I Self-Hosted Llama 3.2 with Coolify on My Home Server: A Step-by-Step Guide
- Barriers to Growth: How Restrictive Programs Hinder Singapore's Startup Scene
- My Experience with YC Co-Founder Platform: Insights and Observations
- and more...
GNOME Shell & Mutter
https://blogs.gnome.org/shell-dev RSS↗
Development blog for GNOME Shell and Mutter
Get Info
https://blog.gingerbeardman.com/ RSS↗
Blog of independent video game developer and digital media artist Matt Sephton. Featuring vintage Macintosh, game development, digital artwork, Japanese esoterica, video game reviews, hacks and tips, and much more.
Greg Molnar
https://greg.molnar.io/blog/ RSS↗
Blog and website of Greg Molnar, Ruby Developer, Rails Developer, IT Security Consultant, Penetration Tester, Ethical hacker. Opinions expressed are mine.
Happiness Machines
https://blog.ignaciobrasca.com RSS↗
Currently working in the finance industry to humanize tools and make them more accessible to individuals. As a child, I enjoyed coding and creating games as a hobby.
Hardcore Software by Steven Sinofsky
https://hardcoresoftware.learningbyshipping.com/ RSS↗
Personal stories and lessons from inside the rise and fall of the PC revolution
Heather Buchel
https://heather-buchel.com/ RSS↗
Heather Buchel is a front-end engineer who likes writing about accessibility, web tech, cooking, living in Brooklyn, and her dog Pepper.
Ian Cooper - Staccato Signals
https://ian-cooper.writeas.com/ RSS↗
These are the days of miracle and wonder
Infrequently Noted
https://infrequently.org/ RSS↗
Alex Russell on browsers, standards, and the process of progress.
J. Carlos Roldán
https://jcarlosroldan.com/ RSS↗
Technology or anything else. By Carlos Roldán, researcher, entrepreneur and hobbyist.
J. Pereira
In-depth & opinionated articles on Software Engineering and SRE
- How to Build and Deploy your Infrastructure as Code (IaC)
- Week 5: What is Infrastructure as Code (IaC) and How to Implement It
- Week 4: Incident Management: Key Strategies for SRE and DevOps Teams
- Week 3: How to Define Effective Service Level Objectives (SLOs) for Your Organization
- Building and Deploying a Robust Monitoring Solution for your Applications
- and more...
Jamie Lord
Jamie Lord is Solution Architect at CDS, based in Nottingham, UK, using Azure and C# to build awesome projects
Jan Miksovsky’s blog
https://jan.miksovsky.com/ RSS↗
Writings on the craft of user interface design and development
- 2024 was a good year — Web Origami year end project report
- Automating generation of the audio and video for an Origami intro screencast
- Looking for people to playtest a programming language for making websites
- Source code for the MomBoard project
- MomBoard: E-ink display for a parent with amnesia
- and more...
Jascha’s blog
https://sohl-dickstein.github.io/ RSS↗
This blog is intended to be a place to share ideas and results that are too weird, incomplete, or off-topic to turn into an academic paper, but that I think may be important. Let me know what you think! Contact links to the left.
Jason Scheirer on the Internet on Jason Scheirer
https://www.jasonscheirer.com/ RSS↗
Recent content in Jason Scheirer on the Internet on Jason Scheirer
Jens-Fabian Goetzmann
Thoughts on Product Management and Leadership
- Year 4 as RevenueCat Head of Product – Takeaways and lessons learned
- Metrics & Analytics: Crucial Product Management Skill 10/20 – How to measure the success of your product
- Customer Discovery: Crucial Product Management Skill 9/20 – Getting better at understanding your customer and their needs
- Product & UX: Crucial Product Management Skill 8/20 – How to develop product and UX sense
- My Personal Approach to Balance – My changing thoughts on work/life balance
- and more...
Joe Previte's Blog'
https://joeprevite.com/blog/ RSS↗
Joe Previte is a developer who writes about webdev, indiehacking and web3.
Johan Halse wrote this
https://johan.hal.se/wrote/ RSS↗
Finest takes, served piping hot from the keyboard of Johan Halse
Jordan Eldredge's Blog
https://jordaneldredge.com/ RSS↗
Personal blog of Jordan Eldredge, software engineer and musician.
Josh Comeau's blog
https://www.joshwcomeau.com/ RSS↗
Friendly tutorials for developers. Focus on React, CSS, animation, and careers.
Just Some Code
https://canro91.github.io/ RSS↗
- Stay Away From Controversy—and Other Life Lessons From a 102-Year-Old WW2 Veteran
- Never Run Promotions or Offer Discounts—Plus 4 More Lessons from Spain's Top Copywriter
- There's Nothing Wrong With Coding Just to Pay the Bills
- Five Eye-Opening Lessons I Learned from Being Fired from My First Job
- I'm Answering the (Bear) Blog Questions Challenge
- and more...
Kalzumeus Software
https://www.kalzumeus.com/ RSS↗
Patrick McKenzie (patio11) blogs on software development, marketing, and general business topics
Kevin Boone's website
Computing, math, science
- Technical writng: what do we lose, when we write more readably?
- A USB power supply with a real on-off switch
- They don't make them like that any more: Sony PRS-500 e-reader
- They don't make 'em like that any more: things you can switch off
- The Argleton affair, and the Wikification of the World-Wide Web
- and more...
Koos Looijesteijn - Everything
https://www.kooslooijesteijn.net/ RSS↗
Through this feed you get both my latest blog posts and bookmarks.
LSE Blog
https://blog.lse.epita.fr/ RSS↗
Operating systems, computer security, languages theory, and even more!
Languages and Architecture
A blog on programming languages, software architecture, and Evan Ovadia's other shenanigans!
- Crossing the Impossible FFI Boundary, and My Gradual Descent Into Madness
- Exploring Seamless Rust Interop for Newer Languages, Part 1
- Higher RAII, and the Seven Arcane Uses of Linear Types
- Layer-wise inferencing + batching: Small VRAM doesn't limit LLM throughput anymore
- Borrow checking, RC, GC, and the Eleven (!) Other Memory Safety Approaches
- and more...
Lawrence Jones
https://blog.lawrencejones.dev/ RSS↗
Building reliable infrastructure for GoCardless, a fast-growing fintech based in London. Focused on tackling infrastructure problems with a software engineering mindset.
Letters To A New Developer
https://letterstoanewdeveloper.com/ RSS↗
What I wish I had known when starting my development career
Links feed / Cory Dransfeldt
I'm a software developer in Camarillo, California. I write about software development, technology and music.
Lisp journey
https://lisp-journey.gitlab.io/ RSS↗
Recent content on Lisp journey
- New resource specialized on web development in Common Lisp
- Towards a Django-like database admin dashboard for Common Lisp
- CLOS tutorial: I published 9 videos (1h 22min) on my course. You'll know enough to read the sources of Hunchentoot or the Kandria game 🎥 ⭐
- Three web views for Common Lisp: build cross platform GUIs with Electron, WebUI or CLOG Frame
- cl-ansi-term: print tables with style, and other script utilities
- and more...
Living Out Loud
https://louplummer.lol/blog/ RSS↗
- The Problem With Independent Thinking
- This Week's Bookmarks: 1000 Greatest Movies, Dinosaurs, An Epic Story, Terms of Service Nightmares, Worst Healthcare Ripoffs, What the Japanese Get Right, Amazing Fire Pictures
- Would You Change Anything If You Could Live Life Over?
- Driving
- Celebrate the Victories
- and more...
Maggie Appleton
https://maggieappleton.com/notes RSS↗
Essays on programming, design, and anthropology
Manuel Matuzović - Blog
https://www.matuzo.at/blog RSS↗
My Blog about accessibility, performance, and CSS architecture and layout.
I’m Marco Arment, creator of Overcast, technology podcaster and writer, and coffee enthusiast.
Martin Fowler
https://martinfowler.com/feed.atom RSS↗
Master feed of news and updates from martinfowler.com
Martin Wojtczyk
https://martin.wojtczyk.de/ RSS↗
my personal homepage
- Rust, C++, and Python trends in jobs on Hacker News (December 2024)
- How is Rust trending on Hacker News job postings compared to C++ and Python?
- Is my vision that bad? No, it’s just a bug in Apple’s Calculator.
- Intel’s Arc A750 Limited Edition arrived.
- Booting Linux manually from GRUB when your disk configuration has changed.
- and more...
Mary Rose Cook
https://maryrosecook.com/blog/ RSS↗
Mary Rose Cook's website. I'm a staff product engineer and tech lead at Airtable in San Francisco.
Matan Abudy
I am a graduate student studying . I want to know how humans learn and understand language and to explore the computational models of language in the brai...
Matt Might's blog
Matt Might's blog
- HOWTO: Change your behavior
- Hello, Perceptron: An introduction to artificial neural networks
- Make a fun, infinitely replayable game in 5 minutes with GPT-4
- 26 programming languages in 25 days, Part 2: Reflections on language design
- 26 programming languages in 25 days, Part 1: Strategy, tactics and logistics
- and more...
Mensur Duraković
https://www.mensurdurakovic.com/ RSS↗
A blog for software engineers, sharing tips, tricks, and best practices for writing clean, maintainable code and building great software while also honing essential soft skills
https://muratbuffalo.blogspot.com/ RSS↗
On distributed systems broadly defined and other curiosities. The opinions on this site are my own.
- Use of Time in Distributed Databases (part 5): Lessons learned
- Use of Time in Distributed Databases (part 4): Synchronized clocks in production databases
- I Can’t Believe It’s Not Causal! Scalable Causal Consistency with No Slowdown Cascades
- Use of Time in Distributed Databases (part 3): Synchronized clocks in databases
- Use of Time in Distributed Databases (part 2): Use of logical clocks in databases
- and more...
Michal Pandy
https://mpmisko.github.io/ RSS↗
Personal blog of Michal Pándy. Come for the AI, stay for the jokes.
Moral Recordings
- Can you complete the Oregon Trail if you wait at a river for 14272 years: A study
- Fixing ScummVM! Getting carded at the Virtual Nightclub, Part 3!
- Fixing ScummVM! Getting carded at the Virtual Nightclub, Part 2!
- Fixing ScummVM! Getting carded at the Virtual Nightclub!
- Fixing ScummVM! Fixing P.A.W.S. + live Copyright Office hearings!
- and more...
Morris Brodersen
https://morrisbrodersen.de/ RSS↗
Thoughts, observations, insights, mostly from my experience in software engineering
NULL BITMAP by Justin Jaffray
https://buttondown.com/jaffray RSS↗
It is easier to imagine an end to computing than an end to SQL. This newsletter is where I will write periodic self-indulgent articles on topics in databases, with a focus on query languages, query planning, and transaction processing. This newsletter is an extension of my blog [justinjaffray.com](https://justinjaffray.com/). I am also active on [Bluesky](https://bsky.app/profile/jaffray.bsky.social) and [Twitter](https://x.com/justinjaffray)!
Nicole Express
Nicole Express: Hobbyist video game development, examinations into old consoles, and more!
Normcore Tech
https://vicki.substack.com/ RSS↗
A newsletter about making tech less sexy, more boring, and anything adjacent to tech that the mainstream media isn't covering.
Obsessed with reality
https://balintreczey.hu/blog RSS↗
Bálint's blog about some of the important things in the Universe
- Firebuild 0.8.3 is out with 100+ fixes and experimental macOS support!
- Improve build time of Rust, Java and Intel Fortran projects with Firebuild’s new release!
- Building the Linux kernel in under 10 seconds with Firebuild
- How to speed up your next build 5-20x with Firebuild?
- Firefox on Ubuntu 22.04 (and 22.10, 23.04, and later) from .deb (not from snap)
- and more...
Of Particular Significance
https://profmattstrassler.com/blog/ RSS↗
Conversations About Science with Theoretical Physicist Matt Strassler
On Test Automation
https://www.ontestautomation.com/blog/ RSS↗
Test automation training and consultancy
Own Your Web
https://buttondown.com/ownyourweb RSS↗
Own Your Web is a newsletter by [Matthias Ott](https://matthiasott.com) about designing, building, creating, and publishing for and on the Web. Every other week, I send out an exclusive email full of actionable insights, best practices, hacks, links, books, tools, and other high-quality insights I found or explored. Whether you want to get started with your own personal website or level up as a designer, developer, or independent creator working with the ever-changing material of the Web, this little email is for you. ❤✊ *Free. No spam ever. You can unsubscribe at any time. By signing up, you consent to my use of your email address to stay in touch with you, as provided in my [Privacy Policy](https://matthiasott.com/privacy-policy).*
ParaVocê Dev Blog
https://paravoce.bearblog.dev/blog/ RSS↗
Hi, I'm Evan. I built Thankful to automate customer service for millions of people, which acquired in 2023. Since then I started ParaVocê in the off-hour...
PaulStamatiou.com - Technology, Design and Photography
https://paulstamatiou.com/ RSS↗
PaulStamatiou.com - Technology, Design and Photography
Performance Matters
https://travisdowns.github.io/ RSS↗
A blog about low-level software and hardware performance.
Piccalilli - Everything
We are Piccalilli. A publication dedicated to providing high quality educational content to level up your front-end skills.
An education platform to teach the fundamentals of computer science, programming, and mathematics.
Posts on Benjamin D. Lee
https://benjamindlee.com/posts/ RSS↗
Recent content in Posts on Benjamin D. Lee
Posts on jub0bs.com
Recent content in Posts on jub0bs.com
- Reconfigurable CORS middleware with jub0bs/cors
- jub0bs/cors: a better CORS middleware library for Go
- A smorgasbord of a bug chain: postMessage, JSONP, WAF bypass, DOM-based XSS, CORS, CSRF...
- Fearless CORS: a design philosophy for CORS middleware libraries (and a Go implementation)
- Existence oracle for Secure cookies on insecure Web origins
- and more...
Prahlad Yeri
https://prahladyeri.github.io/ RSS↗
- The ultimate guide to boosting productivity with the Pomodoro Technique
- Master PDF digital signing with eMudhra and Proxkey in .NET: step-by-step guide
- Building a Secure and Efficient MQTT-HTTP Gateway with Node.js
- Building a simple customer management system in PHP with MySQL
- The hidden costs of ERP implementation: beyond the initial price tag
- and more...
Praise, Curse, and Recurse
https://praisecurseandrecurse.blogspot.com/ RSS↗
On programming and programming languages: because there has got to be a better way.
Project Blog on Christopher Mitchell, Ph.D.
Recent content in Project Blog on Christopher Mitchell, Ph.D.
- Train Simulator Controller: Power/Brake Controller, Part 3
- Train Simulator Controller: Power/Brake Controller, Part 2
- Train Simulator Controller: Power/Brake Controller, Part 1
- Train Simulator Controller: Laser-Cutting a Door Control Panel
- Train Simulator Controller: Real ATP-Enabled Speedometer
- and more...
Psychosomatic, Lobotomy, Saw
https://psy-lob-saw.blogspot.com/ RSS↗
It's X, you'll need Y, I'll get Z
Radan Skorić's website
https://radanskoric.com/feed.xml RSS↗
A blog about software development and the Ruby programming language
Rafał Pastuszak
https://sonnet.io/feed.xml RSS↗
Rafał Pastuszak is an experienced startup consultant specialised in web, mobile, emerging technologies and human-centred design. Click to find out more.
Random ASCII – tech blog of Bruce Dawson
https://randomascii.wordpress.com/ RSS↗
Forecast for randomascii: programming, tech topics, with a chance of unicycling
Raymond Camden
https://www.raymondcamden.com/ RSS↗
Father, husband, developer relations and web standards expert, and cat demo builder.
ReedyBear's Blog
https://reedybear.bearblog.dev/ RSS↗
Welcome to my blog website! I am ReedyBear. My developer projects are under my brand name Taeluf (formerly Jakar). I have a public life under my real name, p...
Register Spill
https://registerspill.thorstenball.com/ RSS↗
Thoughts about software engineering I can't keep in my head. Too ephemeral for blog posts, too long for social media. It's the messages I'd send if you'd asked me what's on my mind.
Robb Knight • Posts • RSS Feed
Maker of web things, blogger, podcaster, and pizzaiolo. Cat dad and human dad.
Robert Alexander's Tech Blog
https://alexsci.com/blog/ RSS↗
A personal blog about #Tech, #Security, and the #Cloud
Robert Heaton | Blog
https://robertheaton.com/ RSS↗
Software engineer. One-track lover down a two-way lane
- PyMyFlySpy: track your flight using its headrest data
- Generating infinite, age-appropriate Cat Crimes puzzles
- PySkyWiFi: completely free, unbelievably stupid wi-fi on long-haul flights
- I've written a book about being a dad; now I want to get it published
- Thousands of elderly twins assure me that my kids will be alright
- and more...
Rondam Ramblings
https://blog.rongarret.info/ RSS↗
Preaching the gospel of evidence, experiment and reason since 2003.
Russell Beattie's Notes
https://www.russellbeattie.com/notes RSS↗
Ideas, opinions, extrapolations and hyperbole.
Scattered Thoughts
https://www.scattered-thoughts.net/ RSS↗
- The missing tier for query compilers
- 0050 - smolderingly fast b-trees, serious fun, what is the point of an online conference, it's ok to be afraid, HYTRADBOI progress, no other progress, vancouver.systems, not the incentives, llm garbage, books
- It's ok to be afraid
- What is the point of an online conference?
- Serious fun
- and more...
Sebastian De Deyne
https://sebastiandedeyne.com/ RSS↗
I'm a web developer and designer. I build websites & interfaces with JavaScript, CSS and PHP.
SerCe's blog
SerCe's blog: Here is my personal blog where I share my thoughts and experiences with different technologies.
Shivram's Journal
https://shivrm.bearblog.dev/ RSS↗
Hello, reader! I like to write about the small things in life that pique my interest. I've been jotting thoughts into a notebook since January, and I hope...
Sidney Liebrand's blog
https://sidneyliebrand.io/ RSS↗
The official https://sidneyliebrand.io RSS feed
- Sidney Liebrand's blog - Handling FontFaceSet.entries() result not being iterable in Firefox
- Sidney Liebrand's blog - Building a Next.js page load progress bar
- Sidney Liebrand's blog - How I became a web developer
- Sidney Liebrand's blog - Converting .gif to web-safe video formats using ffmpeg
- Sidney Liebrand's blog - Creating my own vim statusline
- and more...
A home for all my ramblings on subjects such as programming, cybersecurity, photography, videography, video games, and whatever else I see fit.
Simpler Machines
https://www.simplermachines.com/ RSS↗
Nat Bennett's personal newsletter. Programming, reading, writing, running businesses, and making things with high quality.
Simply Explained
https://simplyexplained.com/blog/ RSS↗
Personal blog of Xavier Decuyper. In-depth, technical blog posts, and Simply Explained videos.
Solving the decision problem
From the desk of Sunil Pai
- A list of reasons why you should be using Cloudflare Workers for building your AI agent infrastructure/product/personal assistant
- Three missing primitives in every UI framework
- Durable Objects are Computers / Containers / Servers
- Partial Prerendering for Everyone with Cloudflare Workers
- spatial compute
- and more...
Spoken Like a Geek
https://www.spokenlikeageek.com/ RSS↗
CTO at WorkInConfidence, developer of PostRecycler, Pigeonhole.me and writetrack.it.
Stan Bright
https://stanbright.com/blog RSS↗
Founder of SaaSHub & LibHunt. Having more ideas than time. Ruby on Rails enthusiast. 🥑👉🍞 p.s. Sweat dreams are made of hard work. Who am I to disagree?
Steve Blank
Innovation and Entrepreneurship
- How to Flip the Script, Beat China and Russia – And Fix the Broken Department of Defense
- Quantum Computing – An Update
- How Saboteurs Threaten Innovation–and What to Do About It
- What Does Product Market Fit Sound Like? This.
- How To Find Your Customer In the Dept of Defense – The Directory of DoD Program Executive Offices
- and more...
Stories by Ivan Shubin on Medium
https://medium.com/@ivan.ishubin RSS↗
Stories by Ivan Shubin on Medium
Stories by Marianne Bellotti on Medium
https://bellmar.medium.com/ RSS↗
Stories by Marianne Bellotti on Medium
Surfing Complexity
https://surfingcomplexity.blog/ RSS↗
Lorin Hochstein's ramblings about software, complex systems, and incidents.
Sympolymathesy, by Chris Krycho
https://v5.chriskrycho.com/ RSS↗
Learning in public: on theology, technology, ethics, software, politics, art, and more.
Szymon Kaliski
https://szymonkaliski.com/ RSS↗
I research, design, and develop computational interfaces
Tao of Mac
The Tao of Mac is the personal wiki of Rui Carmo, featuring a technology-oriented blog, links to articles, several compilations of resources around various key technology topics, and a collection of photos and videos.
Terence Eden’s Blog
- Book Review: Some Desperate Glory by Emily Tesh ★★★★☆
- Book Review: What If? 10th Anniversary Edition - Serious Scientific Answers to Absurd Hypothetical Questions by Randall Munroe ★★★★☆
- Book Review: Jagannath by Karin Tidbeck ★★★★★
- Book Review: Rules for Radicals- A Pragmatic Primer for Realistic Radicals by Saul Alinsky ★★★★☆
- Minimum Viable Clustered-Marker Globe using OpenFreeMap and MapLibre GL
- and more...
Terms and Truth-Conditions
https://www.michaelpj.com/blog/ RSS↗
Michael Peyton Jones' blog - mathematics, computer science, philosophy.
The Angry Dev
https://www.darrenhorrocks.co.uk/ RSS↗
Recent content on The Angry Dev
- Why Frontend Software Development Is Needlessly Complex, When It Does Not Need to Be
- Linux Is NOT the Developers Paradise You Have Been Told It Is
- Why Do Open Source Applications Often Have Less Polished UIs Than Commercial Software
- My Top 6 Productivity Tools as C# Developer
- Why C# Should Be Your First Language and is the Best Programming Language for Beginners
- and more...
The Blog of Random
https://blog.zerolimits.dev/ RSS↗
A blog about the most random things you can think of.
The Boston Diaries
https://boston.conman.org/ RSS↗
The on going saga of a programmer who doesn't live in Boston, nor does he even like Boston, but yet named his weblog/journal “The Boston Diaries.”
The Brain Dump
https://floooh.github.io/ RSS↗
This is the blog and personal web page of Andre Weissflog (Floh, floooh, flohofwoe) mostly about programming stuff.
The Desolation of Blog
https://lapcatsoftware.com/articles/atom.xml RSS↗
The personal blog of Jeff Johnson.
The Floating Continent
https://thefloatingcontinent.com/ RSS↗
The personal website and blog of Alexander Petros
The Mad Scientist Review
https://ptomato.wordpress.com/ RSS↗
"It's hard to tell what the author is exactly shooting for from his high horse."
The Pasture
The musings, ideas, discussions, and sometimes silly words from a digital sheep magician
The Principal Engineer
https://www.principalengineer.com/ RSS↗
The Principal Engineer is focused on the intersection between business, tech, software, and how to work to create impact. Sometimes, we may go a little off-topic, but never too far.
Thoughts From Eric
Things that Eric A. Meyer, CSS expert, writes about on his personal Web site; it's largely Web standards and Web technology, but also various bits of culture, politics, personal observations, and other miscellaneous stuff
Thoughts while building
https://blog.hyperknot.com/ RSS↗
A blog by Zsolt Ero on programming and building things.
Trevor I. Lasn Thoughts
https://www.trevorlasn.com/ RSS↗
I'm a seasoned software engineer and product strategist with entrepreneurial drive. Since 2014, I've built successful products from scratch, led engineering teams, and shared my technical insights through writing since 2017.
- WeakRefs in JavaScript: Explained In Simple Terms
- Honey Quietly Hijacked Creator Revenue Through Affiliate Link Switching
- AsyncLocalStorage: Simplify Context Management in Node.js
- scrollbar-width & scrollbar-gutter: CSS Properties for Layout Control
- Add Auth to Astro 5 with Clerk in 5 Minutes
- and more...
Troy Hunt's Blog
https://www.troyhunt.com/ RSS↗
Observations, musings and conjecture about the world of software and technology
Vlad's Website
I work on programming and philosophy that contributes to the public good. I have much to learn, and I celebrate playful creation over alienated wage labour. I think that being kind is important, and I love cats and birds.
I run Peony Software, a one-person software development studio in lovely Edinburgh, Scotland, where I work on next-generation spreadsheet software. I’m also working on redirecting money to open source software developers by building Open Source Pledge and thanks.dev together with friends. When I find time, I co-maintain the Hare programming language, and work on my 3D game engine. Even more occasionally, I teach others to appreciate programming things from scratch.
Welcome To A DevOps Blog on Valewood DevOps Consulting
https://www.valewood.org/blog/ RSS↗
Recent content in Welcome To A DevOps Blog on Valewood DevOps Consulting
Winston Cooke - Blog
https://www.winstoncooke.com/blog/atom.xml RSS↗
A collection of musings on tech, art, and more.
Write Software, Well
https://www.writesoftwarewell.com/ RSS↗
Experience the joy of programming in Ruby and building web applications with Rails and Hotwire.
Writing an OS in Rust
This blog series creates a small operating system in the Rust programming language. Each post is a small tutorial and includes all needed code.
XML-RSS Feed for Anselm Hannemann’s Writings
https://helloanselm.com/writings RSS↗
Feed for Anselm Hannemann’s blog articles, notes and other shared writings.
Xaver’s blog
https://zamundaaa.github.io/ RSS↗
More or less random posts about stuff in KDE and computer graphics.
Yet Another Math Programming Consultant
https://yetanothermathprogrammingconsultant.blogspot.com/ RSS↗
I am a full-time consultant and provide services related to the design, implementation and deployment of mathematical programming, optimization and data-science applications. I also teach courses and workshops. Usually I cannot blog about projects I am doing, but there are many technical notes I'd like to share. Not in the least so I have an easy way to search and find them again myself. You can reach me at erwin@amsterdamoptimization.comerwin@amsterdamoptimization.com.
Zach Leatherman’s Activity Feed
https://www.zachleat.com/ RSS↗
One centralized feed of Eleventy activity across the web.
benjojo blog
https://blog.benjojo.co.uk/ RSS↗
Programming, Networking and some things I found hard to fix at some point
Hi, I'm Raphael by day and evilcookie by night.I'm a neurodivergent software developer from germany and write about my computer journey. I like linux, love c and do go for a living. You can find my code on githubgithub. Sometimes I visit the cinemavisit the cinema, learn thingslearn things, laugh about nerdy jokeslaugh about nerdy jokes or make some musicmake some music.
https://blog.rpanachi.com/ RSS↗
Rodrigo Panachi's tech blog
- Monitoring my swimming pool temperature with a cheap BLE sensor and ESPHome
- I've been writing software for the last 25 years. Here some things I learned so far
- How to integrate unsupported Tuya devices on Home Assistant
- How to unbrick your wi-fi router after a bad OpenWRT firmware flashing
- Ruby: is Time to talk about Time Zones
- and more...
boringSQL | Supercharge your SQL & PostgreSQL powers
https://notso.boringsql.com/ RSS↗
Deep dive into SQL & PostgreSQL to build reliable, rock-solid solutions with tips and tricks that keep business online. Data is everything. Explore, learn and innnovate to get them where you need faster and more efficiently.
- Use GitHub Actions + Azure AD to Govern GitHub Organization Members
- Password Encrypting Data with Web Crypto
- Sign and Verify Messages with HMAC Using the Web Crypto API
- VS Code Dev Containers and Azure Pipelines Using one Dockerfile
- VS Code Dev Containers and GitHub Actions Using one Dockerfile
- and more...
Observations on Antarctic infrastructure. Anecdotes from daily life for support staff. Focused on McMurdo Station and Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station.
cathode ray dude's blog - blog
https://blog.cathoderaydude.com/ RSS↗
it's the blog of the cathode ray dude
charity wtf's about technology, databases, startups, engineering management, and whiskey.
damnever's blog
https://blog.damnever.com/ RSS↗
A blog about software engineering and all sorts of things.
days and wonder
https://blog.aurahack.jp/blog/ RSS↗
aurahack's personal blog. I post longform stuff here, either effortposts or stuff I can't fit into one tweet. {{ posts|order:desc }}...
A blog about weird games, internet social experiments, and other stupid things I make my computer do.
iamsteve • RSS feed
iamsteve is a blog written by Steve McKinney, focusing on the design and build of websites. The aim is to bridge the gap in building your design.
https://jakelazaroff.com/ RSS↗
Just a programmer trying to make a home for myself on the WWW.
katafrakt’s garden
Just my website. Some Elixir, some Ruby, some more exotic languages and general thoughts on tech.
https://kokada.capivaras.dev/ RSS↗
# dd if=/dev/urandom of=/dev/brain0 dd: error writing '/dev/brain0': No space left on device
you have entered the m a n g o z o n e
- I give you feedback on your blog post draft but you don’t send it to me
- When you browse Instagram and find former Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott’s passport number
- Stealing Chrome cookies without a password
- Hacking your neighbour’s Wi-Fi
- Operation Luigi: How I hacked my friend without her noticing
- and more...
i'm mgx, a tinkerer with a passion for music production. my journey blends technology, creativity, and continuous learning.
nelson.cloud ☁️
Recent content on nelson.cloud ☁️
- There Is Little Incentive to Participate in Your Employer's Hackathons
- Fix "Efficient Cache Policy" Warning on PageSpeed Insights When Using Amazon CloudFront
- How to Add a Custom Response Header to an Amazon Cloudfront Distribution
- How to Generate the Current Date and Time in Hugo
- Render HTML and CSS if JavaScript Is Disabled Using the `` Tag` Tag
- and more...
https://www.openmymind.net/ RSS↗
Programming blog exploring Zig, Elixir, Go, Testing, Design and Performance
https://popagandhi.com/feed.xml RSS↗
long form essays, photos, recipes and other interests by adrianna tan
r y x, r
the only blog on the internet robust to heteroskedastic errors
- Why does getting a job in tech suck right now? (Is it AI?!?)
- How to cut your Python Docker build times in half with uv
- Should you ask data science job candidates this tricky math question?
- ChatGPT as a query engine on a giant corpus of text
- Intuitive Explanation of Arithmetic, Geometric, & Harmonic Mean
- and more...
select * from depesz;
- Waiting for PostgreSQL 18 – Enable BUFFERS with EXPLAIN ANALYZE by default
- Waiting for PostgreSQL 18 – Support LIKE with nondeterministic collations
- Waiting for PostgreSQL 18 – psql: Add more information about service name
- Waiting for PostgreSQL 18 – Add UUID version 7 generation function.
- How to ALTER tables without breaking application?
- and more...
shilin typing...
Hi, I’m Sergei! I’m an entrepreneur, musician, rock climber, and thinker who writes about what matters most to me: startups, health, and always sleeping on the right side of the bed
https://technicalwriting.dev/index.html RSS↗
A blog about technical writing by Kayce Basques.
the morning paper
https://blog.acolyer.org/ RSS↗
a random walk through Computer Science research, by Adrian Colyer
https://unplannedobsolescence.com/ RSS↗
A blog about trying to write software that doesn't rot
yield code();
Thoughts and stories on programming, the industry, and technology written by a software engineer
https://zackoverflow.dev/ RSS↗
Hi, I'm Zack and I like building things. I spend a lot of time architecting abstractions, or deconstructing them to reveal the underlying truth about how systems and computers work. It gives me this hit of dopamine that I can't quite get anywhere else.
zverok's space
https://zverok.space/writing/blog/ RSS↗
I don't build systems. I imagine them, then write them.
ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ Herman's blog
https://herman.bearblog.dev/ RSS↗
Hi I'm Herman Martinus. I'm a maker of things, rider of bikes, and hiker of mountains.
https://vermaden.wordpress.com/ RSS↗
Another ${RANDOM} sysadmin sharing his experiences of work at IT industry.