obfuscated C revisited
More from Tony Finch's blog
D’oh, I lost track of a bug report that should have been fixed in nsnotifyd-2.2. Thus, hot on the heels of [the previous release][prev], here’s nsnotifyd-2.3. Sorry for causing extra work to my uncountably many users! The nsnotifyd daemon monitors a set of DNS zones and runs a command when any of them change. It listens for DNS NOTIFY messages so...
I have made a new release of nsnotifyd, a tiny DNS server that just listens for NOTIFY messages and runs a script when one of your zones changes. This nsnotifyd-2.2 release includes a new feature: nsnotify can now send NOTIFY messages from a specific source address Thanks to Adam Augustine for the suggestion. I like receiving messages that say...
Recently the Spritely Institute published an introduction to Petnames, A humane approach to secure, decentralized naming. I have long been a fan of petnames, and graph naming systems in general. I first learned about them in the context of Mark Miller’s E programming language which was a distributed object capability system on the JVM. I gather...
The other day I learned about the Rust crate lexopt which describes itself as, A pathologically simple command line argument parser. Most argument parsers are declarative: you tell them what to parse, and they do it. This one provides you with a stream of options and values and lets you figure out the rest. For “pathologically simple” I still...
I commented on Lobsters that /tmp is usually a bad idea, which caused some surprise. I suppose /tmp security bugs were common in the 1990s when I was learning Unix, but they are pretty rare now so I can see why less grizzled hackers might not be familiar with the problems. I guess that’s some kind of success, but sadly the fixes have left behind...