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Finding near-duplicates with Jaccard similarity and MinHash
3 Jul 2024 | original ↗

Suppose we have a large collection of documents, and we wish you identify which documents are approximately the same as each other. For instance, we may have crawled the web over some period of time, and expect to have fetched the “same page” several times, but to see slight differences in metadata, or that we have several revisions of a page...

Stripe's monorepo developer environment
21 May 2024 | original ↗

I worked at Stripe for about seven years, from 2012 to 2019. Over that time, I used and contributed to many generations of Stripe’s developer environment – the tools that engineers used daily to write and test code. I think Stripe did a pretty good job designing and building that developer experience, and since leaving, I’ve found myself...

Performance engineering, profilers, and seeing the invisible
18 Dec 2023 | original ↗

I was recently introduced to the paper “Seeing the Invisible: Perceptual-Cognitive Aspects of Expertise” by Gary Klein and Robert Hoffman. It’s excellent and I recommend you read it when you have a chance. Klein and Hoffman discuss the ability of experts to “see what is not there”: in addition to observing data and cues that are present in the...

Advent of Code in C++ Template Metaprogramming
8 Dec 2023 | original ↗

This December, the imp of the perverse struck me, and I decided to see how many days of Advent of Code I could do purely in compile-time C++ metaprogramming. As of this writing, I’ve done two days, and I’m not sure I’ll make it any further. However, that’s one more day than I planned to do as of yesterday, which is in turn further than I thought...

What's with ML software and pickles?
8 Nov 2023 | original ↗

I have spent many years as an software engineer who was a total outsider to machine-learning, but with some curiosity and occasional peripheral interactions with it. During this time, a recurring theme for me was horror (and, to be honest, disdain) every time I encountered the widespread usage of Python pickle in the Python ML ecosystem. In...

Graceful behavior at capacity
7 Aug 2023 | original ↗

Suppose we’ve got a service. We’ll gloss over the details for now, but let’s stipulate that it accepts requests from the outside world, and takes some action in response. Maybe those requests are HTTP requests, or RPCs, or just incoming packets to be routed at the network layer. We can get more specific later. What can we say about its...

Efficiency trades off against resiliency
15 Apr 2023 | original ↗

What’s the “right” level of CPU utilization for a server? If you look at a monitoring dashboard from a well-designed and well-run service, what CPU utilization should we hope to see, averaged over a day or two? It’s a very general question, and it’s not clear it should have a single answer. That said, for a long time, I generally believed that...

Transformers for software engineers
1 Apr 2022 | original ↗

Ever since its introduction in the 2017 paper, Attention is All You Need, the Transformer model architecture has taken the deep-learning world by storm. Initially introduced for machine translation, it has become the tool of choice for a wide range of domains, including text, audio, video, and others. Transformers have also driven most of the...

A Cursed Bug
23 Feb 2022 | original ↗

In my day job at Anthropic, we run relatively large distributed systems to train large language models. One of the joys of using a lot of computing resources, especially on somewhat niche software stacks, is that you spend a lot of time running into the long-tail of bugs which only happen rarely or in very unusual configurations, which you happen...

Distributed cloud builds for everyone
31 May 2021 | original ↗

CPU cycles are cheaper than they have ever been, and cloud computing has never been more ubiquitous. All the major cloud providers offer generous free tiers, and services like GitHub Actions offer free compute resources to open-source repositories. So why do so many developers still build software on their laptops? Despite the embarrassment of...

Building LLVM in 90 seconds using Amazon Lambda
21 May 2021 | original ↗

Last week, Frederic Cambus wrote about building LLVM quickly on some very large machines, culminating in a 2m37s build on a 160-core ARM machine. I don’t have a giant ARM behemoth, but I have been working on a tool I call Llama, which lets you offload computational work – including C and C++ builds – onto Amazon Lambda. I decided to see how good...

Some opinionated thoughts on SQL databases
30 Mar 2021 | original ↗

People who work with me tend to realize that I have Opinions about databases, and SQL databases in particular. Last week, I wrote about a Postgres debugging story and tweeted about AWS’ policy ban on internal use of SQL databases, and had occasion to discuss and debate some of those feelings on Twitter; this article is an attempt to write up more...

Towards solving Ultimate Tic Tac Toe
15 Jul 2020 | original ↗

Summary: Read about my efforts to solve the game of Ultimate Tic Tac Toe. It’s been a fun journey into interesting algorithms and high-performance parallel programming in Rust. Backstory Starting around the beginning of the COVID-19 lockdown, I’ve gotten myself deeply nerdsniped by an attempt to solve the game of Ultimate Tic Tac Toe, a two-level...

Write testable code by writing generic code
12 Mar 2020 | original ↗

Alex Gaynor recently asked this question in an IRC channel I hang out in (a channel which contains several software engineers nearly as obsessed with software testing as I am): uhh, so I’m writing some code to handle an econnreset… how do I test this? This is a good question! Testing ECONNRESET is one of those fiddly problems that exists at the...

Test suites as classifiers
1 Mar 2020 | original ↗

Suppose we have some codebase we’re considering applying some patch to, and which has a robust and maintained test suite. Considering the patch, we may ask, is this patch acceptable to apply and deploy. By this we mean to ask if the patch breaks any important functionality, violates any key properties or invariants of the codebase, or would...

Systems that defy detailed understanding
22 Feb 2020 | original ↗

Last week, I wrote about the mindset that computer systems can be understood, and behaviors can be explained, if we’re willing to dig deep enough into the stack of abstractions our software is built atop. Some of the ensuing discussion on Twitter and elsewhere lead me to write this followup, in which I want to run through a few classes of systems...

Computers can be understood
16 Feb 2020 | original ↗

Introduction This post attempts to describe a mindset I’ve come to realize I bring to essentially all of my work with software. I attempt to articulate this mindset, some of its implications and strengths, and some of the ways in which it’s lead me astray. Software can be understood I approach software with a deep-seated belief that computers and...

Reflections on software performance
3 Feb 2020 | original ↗

At this point in my career, I’ve worked on at least three projects where performance was a defining characteristic: Livegrep, Taktician, and Sorbet (I discussed sorbet in particular last time, and livegrep in an earlier post). I’ve also done a lot of other performance work on the tools I use, some of which ended up on my other blog, Accidentally...

Why the Sorbet typechecker is fast
24 Jan 2020 | original ↗

This is the second in an indefinite series of posts about things that I think went well in the Sorbet project. The previous one covered our testing approach. Sorbet is fast. Numerous of our early users commented specifically on how fast it was, and how much they appreciated this speed. Our informal benchmarks on Stripe’s codebase clocked it as...

Testing and feedback loops
19 Jan 2020 | original ↗

Testing and feedback loops This post tries to set out one mental model I have for thinking about testing and the purpose testing serves in software engineering, and to explore some of the suggestions of this model. As mentioned in an earlier post, I think a lot about working in long-lived software projects that are undergoing a lot of development...

Record/Replay testing in Sorbet
13 Jan 2020 | original ↗

In 2017 and 2018, I (along with Paul Tarjan and Dmitry Petrashko) was a founding member of the Sorbet project at Stripe to build a gradual static typechecking system for Ruby, with the aim of enhancing productivity on Stripe’s millions of lines of Ruby, and eventually producing a useful open-source tool. I’m very proud of the work we did (and...

Two kinds of testing
24 Dec 2019 | original ↗

While talking about thinking about tests and testing in software engineering recently, I’ve come to the conclusion that there are (at least) two major ideas and goals that people have when they test or talk about testing. This post aims to outline what I see as these two schools, and explore some reasons engineers coming from these different...

The architecture of declarative configuration management
12 Nov 2019 | original ↗

With the ongoing move towards “infrastructure-as-code” and similar notions, there’s been an ongoing increase in the number and popularity of declarative configuration management tools. This post attempts to lay out my mental model of the conceptual architecture and internal layering of such tools, and some wishes I have for how they might work...

A Go/C Polyglot
5 Sept 2019 | original ↗

Writing a Go/C polyglot Someone on a Slack I’m on recently raised the question of how you might write a source file that’s both valid C and Go, commenting that it wasn’t immediately obvious if this was even possible. I got nerdsniped, and succeeded in producing one, which you can find here. I’ve been asked how I found that construction, so I...

Reader/reader blocking in reader/writer locks
7 May 2019 | original ↗

Abstract In writer-priority reader/writer locks, as soon as a single writer enters the acquisition queue, all future accesses block behind any in-flight reads. Thus, if any readers hold the lock for extended periods of time, this can lead to extreme pauses and loss of throughput given even a very small number of writers. This phenomenon is...

My Apollo Bibliography
9 Apr 2019 | original ↗

Over the last few years — perhaps not that unusually among the nerds I know — I’ve become increasingly fascinated by the Apollo program (and early space program more generally), and been reading my way through a growing number of books and documentaries written about it. At a party this weekend I got asked for my list of Apollo book...

Three kinds of memory leaks
29 Apr 2018 | original ↗

So, you’ve got a program that’s using more and more over time as it runs. Probably you can immediately identify this as a likely symptom of a memory leak. But when we say “memory leak”, what do we actually mean? In my experience, apparent memory leaks divide into three broad categories, each with somewhat different behavior, and requiring...

Property Testing Like AFL
24 Oct 2017 | original ↗

In my last last post, I argued that property-based testing and fuzzing are essentially the same practice, or at least share a lot of commonality. In this followup post, I want to explore that idea a bit more: I’ll first detour into some of my frustrations and hesitations around typical property-based testing tools, and then propose a hypothetical...

Property-Based Testing Is Fuzzing
3 Oct 2017 | original ↗

“Property-based testing” refers to the idea of writing statements that should be true of your code (“properties”), and then using automated tooling to generate test inputs (typically, randomly-generated inputs of an appropriate type), and observe whether the properties hold for that input. If an input violates a property, you’ve demonstrated a...

Disable Transparent Hugepages
10 Jul 2017 | original ↗

tl;dr “Transparent Hugepages” is a Linux kernel feature intended to improve performance by making more efficient use of your processor’s memory-mapping hardware. It is enabled ("enabled=always") by default in most Linux distributions. Transparent Hugepages gives some applications a small performance improvement (~ 10% at best, 0-3% more...

Two Perspectives on the End-to-End Principle
11 Jun 2017 | original ↗

Back when I was an undergraduate, as part of a class called “Computer Systems Engineering”, we read numerous classic papers of systems design. I enjoyed and learned a great deal from many of these papers, but one that paper that has stuck with me in particular was Saltzer et al’s “End-to-End Arguments in Systems Design”. The paper is a very...

Running Tensorflow on AWS GPUs
26 Feb 2017 | original ↗

I’ve been spending some time learning deep learning and tensorflow recently, and as part of that project I wanted to be able to train models using GPUs on EC2. This post contains some notes on what it took to get that working. As many people have commented, the environment setup is often the hardest part of getting a deep learning setup going, so...

Thoughts On Kubernetes
19 Feb 2017 | original ↗

I spent a while the last week porting from running directly AWS to running on Kubernetes on Google’s Cloud Platform (specifically, the google container engine, which provisions and manages the cluster for me). I left this experience profoundly enthusiastic about the future of Kubernetes. I think that if Google can execute properly,...

Measuring Capacity Through Utilization
8 Jan 2017 | original ↗

(This post is cross-posted from Honeycomb’s instrumentation series). One of my favorite concepts when thinking about instrumenting a system to understand its overall performance and capacity is what I call “time utilization”. By this I mean: If you look at the behavior of a thread over some window of time, what fraction of its time is spent in...

How I Write Tests
29 Dec 2016 | original ↗

The longer I spend as a software engineer, the more obsessive I get about testing. I fully subscribe to the definition of legacy code as “code without an automated test suite.” I’m convinced that the best thing you can do to encourage fast progress in a test suite is to design for testing and have a fast, reliable, comprehensive test suite. But...

Design for Testability
6 Mar 2016 | original ↗

When designing a new software project, one is often faced with a glut of choices about how to structure it. What should the core abstractions be? How should they interact with each other? In this post, I want to argue for a design heuristic that I’ve found to be a useful guide to answering or influencing many of these questions: Optimize your...

What MongoDB got Right
1 Nov 2015 | original ↗

MongoDB is perhaps the most-widely-mocked piece of software out there right now. While some of the mockery is out-of-date or rooted in misunderstandings, much of it is well-deserved, and it’s difficult to disagree that much of MongoDB’s engineering is incredibly simplistic, inefficient, and immature compared to more-established databases like...

Indices point between elements
17 Jul 2015 | original ↗

If you’re familiar with nearly any mainstream programming language, and I asked you to draw a diagram of an array, the array indices, and the array elements, odds are good you’d produce a diagram something like this: In this post, I want to persuade you to replace that image, or, at least, to augment it with an alternate view on the world. I want...

Regular Expression Search with Suffix Arrays
1 Feb 2015 | original ↗

Back in January of 2012, Russ Cox posted an excellent blog post detailing how Google Code Search had worked, using a trigram index. By that point, I’d already implemented early versions of my own livegrep source-code search engine, using a different indexing approach that I developed independently, with input from a few friends. This post is my...

New reptyr feature: TTY-stealing
20 Aug 2014 | original ↗

Ever since I wrote reptyr, I’ve been frustrated by a number of issues in reptyr that I fundamentally didn’t know how to solve within the reptyr model. Most annoyingly, reptyr fundamentally only worked on single processes, and could not attach processes with children, making it useless in a large class of real-world situations. TTY stealing...

Lightweight Linux Kernel Development with KVM
30 Dec 2013 | original ↗

I don’t do a ton of Linux kernel development these days, but I’ve done a fair bit in the past, and picked up a number of useful techniques for doing kernel development in a relatively painless fashion. This blog post is a writeup of the tools and techniques I use when developing for the Linux kernel. Nothing I write here is “the one way” to do...

Tracking down a memory leak in Ruby's EventMachine
7 Mar 2013 | original ↗

At Stripe, we rely heavily on ruby and EventMachine to power various internal and external services. Over the last several months, we’ve known that one such service suffered from a gradual memory leak, that would cause its memory usage to gradually balloon from a normal ~50MB to multiple gigabytes. It was easy enough to work around the leak by...

Why node.js is cool (it's not about performance)
12 Mar 2012 | original ↗

For the past N months, it seems like there is no new technology stack that is either hotter or more controversial than node.js. node.js is cancer! node.js cures cancer! node.js is bad ass rock star tech!. I myself have given node.js a lot of shit, often involving the phrase “explicit continuation-passing style.” Most of the arguments I’ve seen...

BlackHat/DEFCON 2011 talk: Breaking out of KVM
8 Aug 2011 | original ↗

I’ve posted the final slides from my talk this year at DEFCON and Black Hat, on breaking out of the KVM Kernel Virtual Machine on Linux. Virtunoid: Breaking out of KVM from Nelson Elhage [Edited 2011-08-11] The code is now available. It should be fairly well-commented, and include links to everything you’ll need to get the exploit up and running...

Exploiting misuse of Python's "pickle"
20 Mar 2011 | original ↗

If you program in Python, you’re probably familiar with the pickle serialization library, which provides for efficient binary serialization and loading of Python datatypes. Hopefully, you’re also familiar with the warning printed prominently near the start of pickle’s documentation: Warning: The pickle module is not intended to be secure against...

reptyr: Changing a process's controlling terminal
8 Feb 2011 | original ↗

reptyr (announced recently on this blog) takes a process that is currently running in one terminal, and transplants it to a new terminal. reptyr comes from a proud family of similar hacks, and works in the same basic way: We use ptrace(2) to attach to a target process and force it to execute code of our own choosing, in order to open the new...

reptyr: Attach a running process to a new terminal
21 Jan 2011 | original ↗

Over the last week, I’ve written a nifty tool that I call reptyr. reptyr is a utility for taking an existing running program and attaching it to a new terminal. Started a long-running process over ssh, but have to leave and don’t want to interrupt it? Just start a screen, use reptyr to grab it, and then kill the ssh session and head on home. You...

Some Android reverse-engineering tools
27 Dec 2010 | original ↗

I’ve spent a lot of time this last week staring at decompiled Dalvik assembly. In the process, I created a couple of useful tools that I figure are worth sharing. I’ve been using dedexer instead of baksmali, honestly mainly because the former’s output has fewer blank lines and so is more readable on my netbook’s screen. Thus, these tools are...

CVE-2010-4258: Turning denial-of-service into privilege escalation
10 Dec 2010 | original ↗

Dan Rosenberg recently released a privilege escalation bug for Linux, based on three different kernel vulnerabilities I reported recently. This post is about CVE-2010-4258, the most interesting of them, and, as Dan writes, the reason he wrote the exploit in the first place. In it, I’m going to do a brief tour of the various kernel features that...

Some notes on CVE-2010-3081 exploitability
30 Nov 2010 | original ↗

Most of you reading this blog probably remember CVE-2010-3081. The bug got an awful lot of publicity when it was discovered an announced, due to allowing local privilege escalation against virtually all 64-bit Linux kernels in common use at the time. While investigating CVE-2010-3081, I discovered that several of the commonly-believed facts about...

Why scons is cool
7 Nov 2010 | original ↗

I’ve recently started playing with scons a little for some small personal projects. It’s not perfect, but I’ve rapidly come to the conclusion that it’s a probably far better choice than make in many cases. The main exceptions would be cases where you need to integrate into legacy build systems, or if asking or expecting developers to have scons...

Configuring dnsmasq with VMware Workstation
24 Oct 2010 | original ↗

I love VMware workstation. I keep VMs around for basically every version of every major Linux distribution, and use them heavily for all kinds of kernel testing and development. This post is a quick writeup of my networking setup with VMware Workstation, using dnsmasq to assign my VMs addresses and provide a DNS server to resolve VM addresses....

Using Haskell's 'newtype' in C
11 Oct 2010 | original ↗

A common problem in software engineering is avoiding confusion and errors when dealing with multiple types of data that share the same representation. Classic examples include differentiating between measurements stored in different units, distinguishing between a string of HTML and a string of plain text (one of these needs to be encoded before...

amd64 and va_arg
4 Oct 2010 | original ↗

A while back, I was poking around LLVM bugs, and discovered, to my surprise, that LLVM doesn’t support the va_arg intrinsic, used by functions to accept multiple arguments, at all on amd64. It turns out that clang and llvm-gcc, the compilers that backend to LLVM, have their own implementations in the frontend, so this isn’t as big a deal as it...

A brief look at Linux's security record
26 Sept 2010 | original ↗

After the fuss of the last two weeks because of CVE-2010-3081 and CVE-2010-3301, I decided to take a look at a handful of the high-profile privilege escalation vulnerabilities in Linux from the last few years. So, here's a summary of the ones I picked out. There are also a large number of smaller ones, like an AF\_CAN exploit, or the l2cap...

Dear Twitter: Stop screwing over your developers.
12 Sept 2010 | original ↗

I really like Twitter. I think it’s a great, fun, service, that helps enable interesting online communities, and is a surprisingly effective way to spread news and information to lots of people online. One of the things that I’ve loved about Twitter is their API, and how open and welcoming they’ve been to developers. I even use Twitter from an IM...

How is duct tape like the force?
5 Sept 2010 | original ↗

I’m at Dragon*Con this weekend, my second time here now. I decided that if I was going to Dragon*Con again, I needed to do something in terms of costuming, and I wanted it to be something unique – I wasn’t going to come anywhere near as epic as some of the costumes people pull off, but I wanted something that was going to be a little impressive,...

Write yourself an strace in 70 lines of code
29 Aug 2010 | original ↗

Basically anyone who’s used Linux for any amount of time eventually comes to know and love the strace command. strace is the system-call tracer, which traces the calls that a program makes into the kernel in order to interact with the outside world. If you’re not already familiar with this incredibly versatile tool, I suggest you go check out my...

Navigating the Linux Kernel
15 Aug 2010 | original ↗

In response to my query last time, ezyang asked for any tips or tricks I have for finding my way around the Linux kernel. I’m not sure I have much in the way of systematic advice for tracking down the answers to questions about the Linux kernel, but thinking about what I do when posed with a patch to Linux that I need understand, or question I...

Suggestion time: What should I blog about?
8 Aug 2010 | original ↗

I haven’t been feeling very motivated to blog lately – I’ve missed the last two weeks of Iron Blogger, and I’m not totally enthusiastic about any of the items on my “to blog” list. But, I do enjoy blogging when I actually get into posts, and I’d like to keep updating this blog. So, in a bit of a copout, and following in Edward’s footsteps, this...

Some musings on ORMs
18 Jul 2010 | original ↗

I’m pretty sure every developer who has ever worked with a modern database-backed application, particularly a web-app, has a love/hate relationship with their ORM, or object-relational mapper. On the one hand, ORMs are vastly more pleasant to work with than code that constructs raw SQL, even, generally, from a tool that gives you an object model...

Implementing a declarative mini-language in the C preprocessor
4 Jul 2010 | original ↗

Last time, I announced Check Plus, a declarative language for defining Check tests in C. This time, I want to talk about the tricks I used to implement a declarative minilanguage using the C preprocessor (and some GCC extensions). The Problem We want to write some toplevel declarations that look like: #define SUITE_NAME example...

Check Plus: An EDSL for writing unit tests in C
26 Jun 2010 | original ↗

Check is an excellent unit-testing framework for C code, used by a number of relatively well-known projects. It includes features such as running all tests in separate address spaces (using fork(2)), which means that the test suite can properly report segfaults or similar crashes without the test runner crashes. My main complaint about Check is...

Lab Notebooking for the Software Engineer
20 Jun 2010 | original ↗

A few weeks ago, I wrote that software engineers should keep lab notebooks as they work, in addition to just documenting things after the fact. Today, I’m going to share the techniques that I’ve found useful to try to get in the habit of lab-notebooking my work, even though I still feel like I could be better at writing things down. Here’s my...

Wordpress tricks: Disabling editing shortcuts
13 Jun 2010 | original ↗

One of the major reasons I can’t stand webapps is because I’m a serious emacs junkie, and I can’t edit text in anything that doesn’t have decent emacs keybindings. Fortunately, on Linux, at least, GTK provides basic emacs keybindings if you add gtk-key-theme-name = "Emacs" to your .gtkrc-2.0. However, some webapps think that they deserve total...

Confessions of a programmer: I hate code review
6 Jun 2010 | original ↗

Most of the projects I've been working on today have fairly strict code review policies. My work requires code review on most of our code, and as we bring on an army of interns for the summer, I've been responsible for reviewing lots of code. Additionally, about five months ago BarnOwl, the console-based IM client I develop, adopted an official...

Using X forwarding with screen by proxying $DISPLAY
30 May 2010 | original ↗

If you’re reading this blog, I probably don’t have to explain why I love GNU screen. I can keep a long-running session going on a server somewhere, and log in and resume my session without losing any state. I also love X-forwarding. I love being able to log into a remote server and work in a shell there, but still pop up graphical windows (for...

Getting carried away with hack value
23 May 2010 | original ↗

Recently, I’ve been working on some BarnOwl branches that move more of the core functionality of BarnOwl into perl code, instead of C (BarnOwl is written in an unholy mix of C and perl code that call each other back and forth obsessively). Moving code into perl has many advantages, but one problem is speed – perl code is obvious a lot slower than...

The Window Manager I Want
9 May 2010 | original ↗

Since I first discovered ratpoison in 2005 or so, I've basically exclusively used tiling window managers, going through, over the years, StumpWM, Ion 3, and finally XMonad. They've all had various strengths and weaknesses, but I've never been totally happy with any of them. This blog entry is a writeup of what I want to see as a window manager....

Software Engineers should keep lab notebooks
2 May 2010 | original ↗

Software engineers, as a rule, suck at writing things down. Part of this is training – unlike chemists and biologists who are trailed to obsessively document everything they do in their lab notebooks, computer scientists are taught to document the end results of their work, but aren't, in general, taught to take notes as they go, and document the...

Some thoughts on Quora
4 Apr 2010 | original ↗

With the announcement this week that Quora had taken $11 million in VC at an $86 million valuation, there’s been an awful lot of attention on Quora. I’ve had an account there and wanted to write up some of my initial thoughts. If you haven’t heard about Quora, it’s yet another question/answer site on the web. People pose questions, and you can...

Fun with the preprocessor: CONFIG_IA32_EMULATION hacks in Linux
28 Mar 2010 | original ↗

About two months ago, Linux saw CVE-2010-0307, which was a trival denial-of-service attack that could crash essentially any 64-bit Linux machine with 32-bit compatibility enabled. LWN has an excellent writeup of the bug, which turns out to be a subtle error related to the details of the execve system call and with 32-bit compatibility mode. While...

Security doesn't respect abstraction boundaries
13 Mar 2010 | original ↗

The fundamental tool of any engineering discipline is the notion of abstraction. If we can build a set of useful, easily-described behaviors out of a complex system, we can build other systems on top of those pieces, without having to understand to worry about the full complexity of the underlying system. Without this notion of abstracting away...

Followup to "A Very Subtle Bug"
3 Mar 2010 | original ↗

After my previous post got posted to reddit, there was a bunch of interesting discussion there about some details I’d handwaved over. This is a quick followup on some the investigation that various people carried out, and the conclusions they reached. In the reddit thread, lacos/lbzip2 objected that in his experiments, he didn’t see tar closing...

A Very Subtle Bug
27 Feb 2010 | original ↗

6.033, MIT’s class on computer systems, has as one of its catchphrases, “Complex systems fail for complex reasons”. As a class about designing and building complex systems, it’s a reminder that failure modes are subtle and often involve strange interactions between multiple parts of a system. In my own experience, I’ve concluded that they’re...

Iron Blogger: Blogging for Beer
21 Feb 2010 | original ↗

So, you may have noticed that I suddenly started updating this blog for the first time in a while. The reason is that I’ve recently started an ongoing event with a whole bunch of friends around here to encourage us to blog more. Like so many good ideas, it all started with a fundamentally simple premise. On December 21, I sent the following...

Versioning dotfiles in git
14 Feb 2010 | original ↗

I’ve been looking for a good solution for versioning and synchronizing my dotfiles between machines for some time. I experimented with keeping all of ~ in subversion for a while, but it never worked out well for me. I’ve finally settled on a solution that I like using git, and so this is a writeup of my workflows for working with my dotfiles in...

CVE-2007-4573: The Anatomy of a Kernel Exploit
5 Feb 2010 | original ↗

CVE-2007-4573 is two years old at this point, but it remains one of my favorite vulnerabilities. It was a local privilege-escalation vulnerability on all x86_64 kernels prior to v2.6.22.7. It’s very simple to understand with a little bit of background, and the exploit is super-simple, but it’s still more interesting than Yet Another NULL Pointer...

Git in pictures
24 Jan 2010 | original ↗

In my previous blog post, I discussed how git is distinctive among version control system in the way in which it makes the backend model that is being used to store data the most important element of the tool, and that experts use it by having the complete model in their head, and thinking in terms of operations on this object model, rather than...

On git and usability
18 Jan 2010 | original ↗

I’ve been helping a number of people get started working with git over the last couple of weeks, as Ksplice has brought on some new interns, and we’ve had to get them up to speed on our internal git repositories. (As you might expect from a bunch of kernel hackers, we use git for absolutely everything). While that experience is what prompted this...

A Brief Introduction to termios: Signaling and Job Control
11 Jan 2010 | original ↗

(This is part three of a multi-part introduction to termios and terminal emulation on UNIX. Read part 1 or part 2 if you’re new here) For my final entry on termios, I will be looking at job control in the shell (i.e. backgrounding and foreground jobs) and the very closely related topic of signal generation by termios, in response to INTR and...

A Brief Introduction to termios: termios(3) and stty
30 Dec 2009 | original ↗

(This is part two of a multi-part introduction to termios and terminal emulation on UNIX. Read part 1 if you’re new here) In this entry, we’ll look at the interfaces that are used to control the behavior of the “termios” box sitting between the master and slave pty. The behaviors I described last time are fine if you have a completely dumb...

A Brief Introduction to termios
22 Dec 2009 | original ↗

If you’re a regular user of the terminal on a UNIX system, there are probably a large number of behaviors you take mostly for granted without really thinking about them. If you press ^C or ^Z it kills or stops the foreground program – unless it’s something like emacs or vim, in which case it gets handled like a normal keystroke. When you ssh to a...

wpa_supplicant: GUI and wpa_action
18 Sept 2008 | original ↗

I’ve made two new interesting discoveries about wpa_supplicant since writing my last blog post on the subject. (Actually, I pretty much made both of them while reading documentation in order to write it, and have been lame about writing them up). Using wpa_gui It turns out that wpa_gui not only allows you to select existing networks, but also to...

16 Sept 2008 | original ↗

As most of you probably know, X has several different mechanisms for copy-paste, used by different applications in different ways. I know some people who use them deliberately, juggling two pieces of text in different clipboards at once, but for me, it’s always just been annoying. When I copy something, be it by Gnome C-c, emacs C-w, or selecting...

New Blog Location
12 Sept 2008 | original ↗

I finally got fed up with Blogger, and am moving this blog to live on Wordpress hosted off of In the process of converting everything over and setting up Wordpress I’ve decided I hate it, but hopefully I hate it less than I hate Blogger. We’ll see. I’ve also changed the URL to this blog from to...

Using wpa_supplicant on Debian/Ubuntu
22 Aug 2008 | original ↗

I’ve been using wpa_supplicant to manage wifi on my Ubuntu laptop for a while, and have found that it’s pretty close to what I want for managing wireless — closer than anything else I’ve found, at least. I figured I should document my setup and experiences. Some Background You probably all know just how much wireless on Linux can be a pain to get...

Automounting sshfs
23 Mar 2008 | original ↗

For some time now, many of us around MIT have noticed just how awesome sshfs is. It gives a totally lightweight way to access the remote filesystem of any machine you have ssh to, without requiring any extra setup on the host. I’ve been running for at least a year now with my /data RAID on my server sshfs-mounted on my laptop, and it works...

13 Mar 2008 | original ↗

I’ve recently switched to Conkeror as my primary browser. It started life as a Firefox extension, but nowadays it’s a standalone app built on top of Mozilla’s xulrunner, so it uses the Gecko rendering engine. What it is, is an emacs implemented in Javascript, for the web. This means on the one hand that it acts like emacs. Most of the basic emacs... ratmenu
19 Feb 2008 | original ↗

broder has been hacking on some better quicksilver integration for Hiveminder using I don’t use a mac, but I don’t see why linux users shouldn’t get fun toys to. So I hacked up the following two-liner that uses and ratmenu to pop up a list of tasks, and mark one as completed: #!/bin/sh | perl -ne 'push @a,$2," done...

A week with the iPhone
31 Dec 2007 | original ↗

I’ve had a new iPhone for about a week now, so I figure it’s time to write up some thoughts about it. First, the little things. It is, in typical Apple fashion, an incredibly slick piece of work. Scrolling and zooming images or webpages is simple, easy, and, well, just fun to do and watch. Mobile Safari does a great job of making full webpages...

5 Aug 2007 | original ↗

I’m sitting in the airport in Las Vegas on the way back from DEF CON 15. It’s the first time I’ve been at the con, and it wasn’t really what I expected. Frankly, I walked away feeling kinda underwhelmed. Very few of the talks were as technical as I was hoping – they were almost universally broad overviews of an area, with lots of introduction,...

6.170, CVS, and SVN
11 Feb 2007 | original ↗

I’m taking 6.170 Lab in Software Engineering this semester. The course sucks in various ways, but one of the most egregious, in my opinion, is that they force you to use CVS for your version control. Problem sets are distributed by the TAs importing them into your repository, and are then checked out later to be graded. Well, CVS sucks, and...

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