Joe Previte's Blog' (RSS)
My thoughts on the friendship recession and what I'm doing to maintain friendships.
A public message I'm sharing with Lenny Rachitsky to consider me for his Newsletter Fellowship in 2024.
In this article, I share a strategy called copywork which can be used as a tool to onboard engineers to a new codebase
I spent 2 years and summer studying Italian the traditional way in college. Now, I'm revisiting it again using Refold's immersion technique.
This article gives you a formula you can follow to become an expert in something. It's a new mental model for building expertise in a way that's practical, approachable and fun.
In this post, I share my notes and highlights from the book "Peak: Secrets From The New Science of Expertise" by Anders Ericsson and Robert Pool.
All my newsletter notes from the last 6 months including tips, tricks, strategies and newsletter thought leaders I've found along the way of growing my own two newsletters.
My daughter just turned two, marking 730 days of speaking only Spanish to her as we navigate her bilingual upbringing. Here are my reflections on this unique parenting journey.
Shaan, one of the hosts of My First Million, shared this idea on the pod. Spend time with people who give you energy. People who make you want to run marathon after talking to them.
Examples of my technical work (both blogs and videos) to demonstrate my experience as a developer advocate
A solution to fixing your microphone sounding too quiet when you play it back
An article sharing my best resources for standing out during your next job hunt
Notes and findings related to Argentina and Argentine cultural in Arizona.
Notes on how to start a community newsletter in your neighborhood
This article walks you through running scripts with TypeScript and esr as an alternative to ts-node.
My ever-growing notes on working with CodeMirror6 and things I've learned along the way.
A blog post about using bug.n, the Windows 10 window manager, I wish I had when I first started using it
A brief reflection on my growth in 2021 and my plans for 2022
Learn how to quickly create a twitter card for your blog using an npm package and cloudinary.
This is a post where I share my thoughts about migrating my email newsletter from ConvertKit to Revue.
A guide to walk you through setting up keyboard shortcuts and applications to feel similar on Windows as they do on macOS.
Learn how to SSH into Termux on your Android phone from your computer by following this step-by-step guide.
Learn how to use Python, Telegram and GitHub Actions to send automatic recurring payments on Venmo! This will save you a lot of time.
This articles walks you through step-by-step verifying your commits for GitHub.
This article walks you through adding a custom domain to ConvertKit for use with ConvertKit Commerce.
A guide and audio file with the pronounciation of my last name Previte.
This article walks you through setting zsh as your default shell in Coder environments.
All the best articles, tips, and resources for learning TypeScript.
The story behind launching my first product, how I did it, what I learned and tips for launching your own product.
My notes from Chapter 4 of the Rust Lang Book.
My notes and thoughts on Clojure from the Ground Up by Kyle Kingsbury
My notes and thoughts on How to be Antiracist by Ibram X Kendi
In the post, I show you how to learn anything quickly using the Fast Framework.
My first impressions and review of the HEY email platform by the folks at Basecamp.
An overview of the Rust language ecosystem along with resources and articles to help you better understand it.
A framework for learning things intentionally starting with anti-racism.
My notes and thoughts on Writing an Interpreter in Go by Thorsten Ball
A short post exploring how I wrote a custom note component for MDX.
A short post explaining how to render data from a GraphQL API in ReasonReact.
A short story about my first experience contributing to the Rust open source ecosystem.
A short tutorial on how to automatically delete branches after merging pull requests on GitHub.
A short tutorial on how to open a draft pull request on GitHub.
A short tutorial on how to automatically squash commits when merging a pull request on github.
A short tutorial on how to auto-assign pull requests on GitHub.
My notes from Chapter 3 of the Rust Lang Book.
My notes from Chapter 2 of the Rust Lang Book.
My plan for learning Rust and notes from Chapter 1 of the Rust Lang Book.
My notes and thoughts on no excuses by brian tracy
A short tutorial on how to add a GitHub issue template to your project.
A short tutorial on how to add a GitHub PR template to your project.
In this post, we recreate the readonly and partial utility types to understand mapped types.
Save yourself some time by copying screenshots to your clipboard.
Why I decided to sunset after less than 6 months
My notes and thoughts on "effective typescript" by dan vanderkam