The Principal Engineer (RSS)
The current generation of AI is productivity boosting, but will ultimately fall short of expectations without significant, unknown scientific discoveries.
History teaches us that AI will increase, not decrease, the demand for human intelligence. Mostly so in skilled professions that are the most impacted by AI.
AI still hallucinates, generates slop, and can't reason about the big picture. But it's still an incredible productivity tool for software engineers. This post is about how I use it.
Title inflation is real. Many of the individuals in industry with the title "CTO", really are no such thing. Let's dig deeper!
Nobody ever got fired for buying AWS. But maybe they should be?
Separating backend and frontend is an evolutionary dead-end, or at least frequently, a complication.
Over the last decade, microservices have dominated the software landscape, but could we see a retracement of their use? I think this is almost a certainty.
As a long-time Mac user, I've asked myself the eternal question: is this the year of Linux on the desktop? Here is what I found out after a year of incremental buy-in..