cmart Philanthropy
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Learned: if you’re working remotely, but you want to bring back the daily experience of going to an office with some friendly people, maybe don’t start a coworking space. It probably won’t work. You can recruit a half-dozen friends who like you, and they’ll show up occasionally, but not daily. You can offer Aeron chairs and tasty snacks. You can...
A friend showed me Simple, Non-Commercial, Open Source Notes. (Warning, this video will berate you for 30 minutes.) My values are different from the author’s, but I appreciate their methodical(??) approach to articulate their needs and explore the solution space of digital note-taking systems. Here, I do some of the same. Composing and Editing I...
Warnings: This topic, personal eating habits, is tired. Anything I could say, a different nerd has said better. I currently eat meat but try to avoid eating mammals, which I learned today is called mafism. I’m a mid-30s knowledge worker who lives with a partner. We share some meals spontaneously but don’t plan around it, each keeping our own...
It seems that you want my help making a personnel decision? Sadly, I have little to say about the agent who answered my phone, email, or chat inquiry. They appeared to be a competent human. If I was unknowingly interacting with an LLM, you did a great job fine-tuning it. While I’d have preferred someone with forensic troubleshooting skill and...
Book clubs for professional development are not new, but nothing like this exists at my employer or in my city, so I guess I’ll start one. What does “Effective” mean? Borrowing from another group 1, I’ll say whatever it means to you. 2 And “Technologist”? Someone who builds or wields technology as a career. It’s a big tent including software and...