Loki the comedian
More from The Universe of Disco
Last month I did a fairly complex piece of systems programming that worked surprisingly well. But it had one big bug that took me a day to track down. One reason I find the bug interesting is that it exemplifies the sort of challenges that come up in systems programming. The essence of systems programming is that your program is dealing with...
A few months ago I noticed the banner image of Mastodon user @emacsomancer@types.pl: I had two questions about this. First where is it from and is there more? @emacsomancer pointed me to the source Github repository and also to this magnificent hand-lettered interpretation of it by artist Michał "phoe" Herda, who is also an author of books...
Last week I received a widely circulated email that began: With tall apartment buildings being erected all around, we feel it is ever more important to preserve our community. I sent this reply. I have been a Spruce Hill homeowner for 16 years. I had to miss the June 26 meeting because I was out of the country. But I think the historic...
Looking at license plates the other day I noticed that if you have a four-digit number with digits , and , then will always be a multiple of . For example, and . Mathematically this is uninteresting. The proof is completely trivial. (Such a number is simply , and .) But I thought that if someone had pointed this out to me when I was eight...
Like almost everyone except Alexander Grothendieck, I understand things better with examples. For instance, how do you explain that $$(f\circ g)^{-1} = g^{-1} \circ f^{-1}?$$ Oh, that's easy. Let be putting on your shoes and be taking off your shoes. And let be putting on your socks and be taking off your socks. Now is putting on your...