Why can't I bring myself to just writting about nothing in particular?
A new blog challenge appears. Check out some of my musical favourites.
What's up, Internet? What have I been up to during January?
my 2024 journey though beer, exploring West Coast IPAs, Bright IPAs, and New Zealand IPAs. Cheers to a year of hoppy adventures!
This year has been a whirlwind of parenting challenges and unexpected moments of pure joy. With two energetic kids under four, life is a constant dance of chaos and love.
What's up, Internet? Novembers out, and December's in. What did I write, read, bookmark and get up to in November?
What if the original tracks for meant for Eminem's fifth studio album Encore never leaked?
The IndieWeb is more than just webmentions. It's about having your own website, sharing links to other websites, and being part of communities that work towards building a better web.
What a fantastic set of earbuds that can do active noise cancelling without a seal.
What's up, Internet? Blogging, dark romance novels, new vinyl for the collection, a stack of bookmarks, the Cafe's haloween event, and HTML for People? Check out how October went for me.
Where I remember when music was a shared experience, not just a personal one.
What must Firefox do to keep the trust of those who want freedom and choice on the web?
Bandcramp Friday for October has been and gone, what did you pick up?
I listen to The Alchemist's latest project, The Genuine Articulate