Enabling LE Audio/LC3 in WF-1000XM5
More from kokada
Sometimes I want a really basic flake.nix that has no dependencies except for nixpkgs itself, e.g.: I want to avoid flake-utils or any other dependency. So, here you go: { description = "Description"; inputs = { nixpkgs.url = "github:NixOS/nixpkgs/nixpkgs-unstable"; }; outputs = { self, nixpkgs, ... }: let ...
Hey, its been a long time since my last blog post. It is mostly because I ran out of things to write, but I expected this. This is probably more likely how I am actually going to post from now. At least, it shows that my plan to have a blog for a long time, that is easy to go back when I wanted is working fine, but I digress. Going back to the...
Have you ever run a nix build command and had this prompt? $ nix run .#darwinActivations/Sekai-MacBook-Pro do you want to allow configuration setting 'extra-substituters' to be set to 'https://nix-community.cachix.org https://thiagokokada-nix-configs.cachix.org' (y/N)? y do you want to permanently mark this value as trusted (y/N)? y And realise...
I don't want to talk about AI. AI fatigue is real, with (garbage) AI content everywhere you go. However, I like to talk about tools, and AIs, or more specifically, Large Language Models (LLM), can be really useful tools. Maybe someday we will have our AI overlords dominating everything (including my job), but right now I don't feel particularly...
So one thing that I realise after starting writing this blog is that I care more about it than some of my other projects. For some reason or another I want to make sure that this blog will continue with me for a long time. This is one of the reasons why I use GitHub as mirror blog and why I created a bunch of automation to make sure I never...