My coding experience with LLM
More from kokada
Sometimes I want a really basic flake.nix that has no dependencies except for nixpkgs itself, e.g.: I want to avoid flake-utils or any other dependency. So, here you go: { description = "Description"; inputs = { nixpkgs.url = "github:NixOS/nixpkgs/nixpkgs-unstable"; }; outputs = { self, nixpkgs, ... }: let ...
Hey, its been a long time since my last blog post. It is mostly because I ran out of things to write, but I expected this. This is probably more likely how I am actually going to post from now. At least, it shows that my plan to have a blog for a long time, that is easy to go back when I wanted is working fine, but I digress. Going back to the...
One of things that I hate the most about the fact that we are all using wireless earbuds instead of wired earphones is the latency: it is bad, getting up to seconds(!) depending on your particular combination of OS/earbuds/device. There is a solution though: Bluetooth LE Audio, that is supposed to fix multiple issues with the original design for...
Have you ever run a nix build command and had this prompt? $ nix run .#darwinActivations/Sekai-MacBook-Pro do you want to allow configuration setting 'extra-substituters' to be set to '' (y/N)? y do you want to permanently mark this value as trusted (y/N)? y And realise...
So one thing that I realise after starting writing this blog is that I care more about it than some of my other projects. For some reason or another I want to make sure that this blog will continue with me for a long time. This is one of the reasons why I use GitHub as mirror blog and why I created a bunch of automation to make sure I never...