(Fake) Markov Chains

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LACC: Lasercut ATX Computer Case
10 Mar 2019 | original ↗

I’ve been working on this project for over a year now, but I can finally share it comfortably. Presenting: LACC Lasercut ATX Computer case This all came about because I needed a computer case (for a computer) and I went looking online to see if anyone had made one that could be cut on a laser cutter. Much to my dissapointment, I couldn’t find...

Pictures from Space: a n00b's guide to receiving images from NOAA weather satellites
9 Sept 2018 | original ↗

It had been a dream of mine for a while to receive images from space. I forget where I learned that you could do that, but it sounded so cool I knew I wanted to try. Around 2 years ago, I finally succeeded in getting images from the NOAA APT weather satellites, but I hadn’t gotten around writing up how I did that until now. My initial research...

toggling pins in rust
8 Jul 2018 | original ↗

My first goal after getting someone elses good compiling, was to toggle a pin on my own. I think for my first attempt to generate a frequency, I will just turn a pin on and off at a given rate. My target frequency is 2600Hz, and if I want to generate a square wave (which I get by turning things on and off) I need to toggle the pin at twice that...

5 Jul 2018 | original ↗

I found a way to combine a bunch of things I have wanted to learn together into one project! For a while, I have been fascinated with phone phreaking, and specifically the mythical BLUE BOX. Lots of myths and history surounding it. I think I can probably still play with it on Project MF, but we will see. It seems like a great way to learn more...

plans for a NOAA weather satellite antenna
11 Apr 2017 | original ↗

One of the things I really want to do with ham radio is listen to SPACE MACHINES (a.k.a satellites). Technically you don’t need a ham radio license to do this, but I only learned about it after getting mine. Some of the most interesting looking satellites that anyone can receive are NOAA weather satelittes. These satellites continuously transmit...

CJU Antenna
27 Nov 2016 | original ↗

Ok, I know I just posted about Moxon antennas, but doing an image search for moxon antennas led me to the CJU antenna. Apparently CJU stands for Canary Jail Umbrella because the author of the article who made it popular constructed it out of the tubing used in canary cages (or jails) and wire from a broken antenna. It’s designed for use talking...

Moxon antennas
27 Nov 2016 | original ↗

In my search for easy to build antennas I can use in the VHF/UHF frequency range I have stumbled across the moxon antenna. The antenna was mentioned in passing in Groundwave, the OARC’s newsletter. It looks like the antenna can be constructed with 2 pieces of wire cut to appropriate lengths for your wave length. The wires are laid out in a...

Helical and monopole antennas
25 Nov 2016 | original ↗

Today’s reseach: helical and monopole antennas! One of the things you can do with radios (and without needing a license) is receiving NOAA weather satelite images! Yes, that’s right, you can LISTEN TO SPACE MACHINES. Another way to look at it is free selfies! Anyway I was reading this article (Helical Quad Antenna for Weather Satellites) which...

Antenna building research: bazookas
24 Nov 2016 | original ↗

This fall I finally got my Amateur Radio license, which has led me down a deeeeep technical rabbit hole. I want to try and write more so I’m going to be dumping a lot my researching into blog posts. Tonight’s reseach: Bazooka Antennas Specifically I am looking at “double bazooka” antenna. From what I can tell these are mostly used as HF antennas...

Rule 110 Part 2: Now with Wearables!
15 Oct 2016 | original ↗

So tomorrow (I guess later today technically) is makerfaire! Yay! I wanted to share some of the links to stuff for my project for people interested in learning more. Rule 110 The Wikipedia Page on Rule110 is really good if you want to learn more The Dress First off, here is the code running on the dress: https://github.com/tahnok/rule110_dress...

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