Helical and monopole antennas
More from (Fake) Markov Chains
I’ve been working on this project for over a year now, but I can finally share it comfortably. Presenting: LACC Lasercut ATX Computer case This all came about because I needed a computer case (for a computer) and I went looking online to see if anyone had made one that could be cut on a laser cutter. Much to my dissapointment, I couldn’t find...
It had been a dream of mine for a while to receive images from space. I forget where I learned that you could do that, but it sounded so cool I knew I wanted to try. Around 2 years ago, I finally succeeded in getting images from the NOAA APT weather satellites, but I hadn’t gotten around writing up how I did that until now. My initial research...
My first goal after getting someone elses good compiling, was to toggle a pin on my own. I think for my first attempt to generate a frequency, I will just turn a pin on and off at a given rate. My target frequency is 2600Hz, and if I want to generate a square wave (which I get by turning things on and off) I need to toggle the pin at twice that...
I found a way to combine a bunch of things I have wanted to learn together into one project! For a while, I have been fascinated with phone phreaking, and specifically the mythical BLUE BOX. Lots of myths and history surounding it. I think I can probably still play with it on Project MF, but we will see. It seems like a great way to learn more...
One of the things I really want to do with ham radio is listen to SPACE MACHINES (a.k.a satellites). Technically you don’t need a ham radio license to do this, but I only learned about it after getting mine. Some of the most interesting looking satellites that anyone can receive are NOAA weather satelittes. These satellites continuously transmit...