Contract testing - what (not) to test for - part 1
More from On Test Automation
Like many others working in software testing, and more specifically in automation, I have been introduced to the concept of the test automation pyramid early on in my career. While this model has received its share of criticism in the testing community over the years, I still use it from time to time.
In the last couple of weeks, I’ve spent much more time commuting than normal. I mostly work remotely these days, for clients both in the Netherlands and abroad. And I like it that way. Don’t get me wrong, I like to drive, but commuting takes up a lot of time, time I would rather spend in another way. Reading. Running. Sleeping. Finally getting...
Before I start: I’m writing this both to clear my head and to vent / rant a little, but also in response to people both from the Netherlands and from abroad who have shown interest in working as an independent contractor over here.
“Well, it works on my machine”
While most of the clients I work with are based in Europe, over the last couple of years my client base on the North American side of the Atlantic has slowly but surely started to grow, mainly in the United States. As someone who really enjoys working with and learning from individuals and companies across the globe, this something that I’m...