days and wonder (RSS)
I watched enough new movies this year to make one of these! That’s really exciting to me! After watching 60-some movies last year, I told myself that I’d try to at least break 100 this year and I’ve “I might as well keep going”’d myself to 3x that and then some. Passive activity or not, it feels like I spent the year creating a new hobby for...
Had this one in the bank and just forgot to post it. Oops! Sending off what will be the last month of all-around good movies I’ll see because I’ve set myself up for some real dogshit during December. Here’s what I saw in November that stuck with me! Osamu Tezuka’s Metropolis Challengingly paced at the start and, honestly, doesn’t go anywhere...
I write a blurb review for everything I log on Letterboxd but since most people aren’t sickos who check it every day like I do, I figure it’d be nice to do a once-a-month roundup and revisit my thoughts on the stuff I liked days-to-weeks later. I’ll omit my last couple VIFF films since I’ve already talked about em’ a lot elsewhere. Southland...
A couple of things all coalescing into the same general window of time has got me to think, not with any meaningful conclusion or anything, about what happens when communal spaces close for good. The Vancouver International Film Festival took place recently and it happened to overlap with the closure of social media site Everyone got...
This was originally written for I’ve not… really… spent a lot of energy thinking of a “my time on Cohost” retrospective post like some folks have done (which have all been a pleasure to read!) because I’m not sure I really can. I think it’s easy to pick apart the stuff that’s individually made Cohost such a wonderful place to exist on,...
I wrote a small thing about Cohost that I’ll probably come back to later for, like, some kinda actual “goodbye to this site”-type post but for now I just want to think (out loud) a bit on something that came up in the aforementioned post. I brought up that my digital art journey began on deviantART, touching on how critical that place was for the...
I did not think I would ever be spinning a blog again. I think I did in the, like, pre-Google Blogger days? Or something? I was 14. I thought everyone would follow it and I would be internet famous. I wish I could go back in time and kick my own ass. This will not be a newsletter. I wanted to make one to have a more centralized "here's an...
originally posted on i dont have any bandcamp friday recommendations rn cuz ive just not been listening to a ton of new stuff but i have been obsessively listening to Collage's debut album, Memento Mori. They're the Taiwanese rock duo that created the credits theme for Nine Sols1 and I've been pretty floored by how phenomenal the album...