Writing a list is a little bit like getting started and a little bit like letting go.
Leí, días pasados, que el hombre que ordenó la edificación de la casi infinita muralla china fue aquel primer emperador, Shih Huang Ti, que asimismo dispuso que se quemaran todos los libros anteriores a él1. Que las dos vastas operaciones —las quinientas a seiscientas leguas de piedra opuestas a los bárbaros, la rigurosa abolición de la historia,...
The product of software development is not code but a mental model, a theory: a specific way of explaining the world.
To dissect a word with a keystroke feels like a superpower.
I posit that it’s statistically unlikely for an engineer to get a job working on a system that isn’t either imaginary or legacy software. There is no middle ground.
The easiest way to make a to-read pile grow is to read a book from it.
A little rest area by the road to a better web.
To me, a classic JRPG is pure mechanism, a kind of puzzle. Was there some way of getting the fun out of building such a mechanism—of solving that puzzle—, wrapping it with the minimal amount of functionality, the simplest thing that could possibly pass as a video game?
Between the '70s and the '90s a lot of the action happened in newsletters and magazines like The Whole Earth Catalog, Byte, or Dr. Dobb's. An anthology of articles from those magazines would tell a compelling history of personal computing: that's a book I'd like to read.
Borges y Bioy caminando por las calles empedradas de la noche porteña o sobre el pasto de una estancia bonaerense, entre chicharras y olor a bosta; Bioy y Borges tirándose con argumentos como tenistas —swinging story plots at each other like tennis players— abordando historias como problemas a resolver, con rigurosidad de relojeros o fabricantes...
The fact that we can’t remove essential complexity with a software redesign doesn’t mean that there’s nothing we can do about it. What if the problem definition wasn’t outside of our purview? What if we could get the world to conform to the software, and not just the other way around?
A Kindle integration was a natural extension to my feed reader. I had to learn a couple of things to get it working, so it seemed interesting to document the implementation process.
Notes about Go jorge started as a Go learning project, so writing down my thoughts on the language seemed like a good way to wrap up this devlog. I emphasize that these are first impressions more than truths or strong opinions, from using the language on a short solo project. I had high expectations going in, and for the most part, they were...
I’m a programmer but I’m no tech enthusiast; I don’t think that innovation turned into consumer need is necessarily a form of progress. And I’m suspicious of over-hyped technology. So I’ve been rather hostile to the recent wave of Artificial Intelligence. I’m not against AI as a tool: it’s just a tool. It can be a beautiful construction, it can be useful to solve real problems. But it can also break things that aren’t broken and serve as an excuse to make things worse. As...
I set out to write a little static site generator, but why? Why this project? I wanted to learn the Go programming language, and my preferred way to learn a new language is to use it on some open-source project1. Why Go? In the past I studied new programming languages to “broaden my programming horizons”; to add better, more...
A couple of days ago I enjoyed reading James's list of things to do on your website and, as he suggests by the end, I thought of a few more to add to the list. These are things I've either already done here or thought about doing but decided not to, or plan to eventually do: