Safe terminal escape codes
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I have come to believe that by and large “best practices” are doing more harm than good. Not necessarily because they’re bad advice as such, but because they’re mostly pounded by either 1) various types of zealots, idiots, and assholes who abuse these kind of “best practices” as an argument from authority, or 2) inexperienced programmers who lack...
The Go compiler skips files ending with _test.go during normal compilation. They are compiled with go test command (together will all other .go files), which also inserts some chutney to run the test functions. The standard way to do testing is to have a foo.go and foo_test.go file next to each other. If you have a file that appears to end with...
You would expect this to work, no? bash% echo $(( .1 + .2 )) bash: .1 + .2 : syntax error: operand expected (error token is ".1 + .2 ") Well, bash says no, but zsh just works: zsh% echo $(( .1 + .2 )) 0.30000000000000004 # Well, "works" insofar IEEE-754 works. There is simply no way you can do calculations with fractions in bash without...
This describes how to create RimWorld mods on Linux; this is an introduction to both RimWorld modding and developing C♯ with Mono; it’s essentially the steps I followed to get started. This doesn’t assume any knowledge of Unity, Mono, or C♯ but some familiarity with Linux and general programming is assumed; if you’re completely new to programming...
So Richard Stallman is back at the FSF, on the board of directors this time rather than as President. I’m not sure how significant this position is in the day-to-day operations, but I’m not sure if that’s really important. How anyone could have thought this was a good idea is beyond me. I’ve long considered Stallman to be a poor representative of...