Elon Musk achieved election-swinging power by fostering the belief that the right ends justify any means. That's the tell everyone missed.
Join me at the Ride AI Summit in Los Angeles on April 2, 2025, for an exclusive gathering at the intersection of AI and mobility hardtech.
For more than a decade, Tesla’s mission to create electric cars that accelerate the transition to sustainable energy has been subsumed by a new mission: to create cars that drive themselves. For much of that time, Tesla has been collecting thousands of dollars from its customers to deliver a level of self-driving capability that it […]
Your robotaxi awaits, to whisk you away from reality
I distinctly remember writing a book, but after that is kind of a blur.
By our AI generated sludge, ye shall know us.
And Elon wept, for there were no more growths to hack.
Even if you've always won, it's still gambling until you get up from the table.
Elon will save the planet if we let him break any law he likes... but then who will save the planet from Elon?
All cars were not created equal, and it's OK to admit it.
The problem with Elon Musk isn't that journalists can't cover him properly, it's that even when they do nothing happens.
And you may find yourself behind the wheel of a self-driving automobile.