How take notes + my Obsidian setup
More from Sebastian De Deyne
Optimize for optionality and build towards checkpoints In a project management-themed Hackers Incorporated episode, Adam Wathan introduced derisking projects with save points. The entire episode is definitely worth your time, but that specific piece of advice has changed the way I work as a developer and make decisions as a project manager. In...
Next week we're sending out the first issue of a new newsletter: Content on the internet is at a tipping point. Social media actively discourages sharing links, while AI-generated content is gaining prominence. We want to double down on human-created and curated content. Authors and creators put a lot of effort into their work, which...
I thought this image from Christoph Niemann in Sunday Sketching was worth sharing. We can force ourselves to do good work. But for great work, we need a portion of luck. PS: I highly recommend Christoph's Abstract episode which you can watch for free on YouTube.
I've been writing more Blade + Tailwind the past few weeks. Coming from React + Tailwind I really missed tailwind-merge and clsx, but luckily came across this great package from Sandro Gehri. {{-- components/button.blade.php --}}button {{ $attributes ->merge(['type' => 'submit']) ->twMerge('bg-green-500') }}> {{ $slot...
From Escape the Algorithm. When we create a contract or a pattern, there are gains in familiarity, modularity, and composability, but it's a lossy translation. If I were to design a personal map of my neighborhood, it would include the potholes I swerve by on my bike rides, the neighbor’s sweet precocious 4 year old that is always on the front...