Uprighting a mesially-inclined (impacted) third molar
Three approaches to the Monty Hall problem
Electron on Linux: open files in a new window if there isn't one in the current workspace
Odds of winning the lottery: a distance analogy
Using string similarity to allow loose link hrefs in a blog
Source score: YouTube comment template to encourage referencing
Longest valid Truncate sequence - algorithm comparison
List of (Mate) Terminal escape sequences (with the actual Escape key)
Splitting a Git commit into multiple commits
Stages of Scientific Understanding of Misophonia
Reporting and recording with plaintext and SvelteKit
Hypermirroring vs JDH & Related Thoughts
Single-process file locking/queueing in Node
[rough] Speculations on How Misophonia Arises
Complete Linux-compatible streaming setup for under £1k
How to fix SvelteKit dynamic imports working in dev but not build
Building content-heavy sites with SvelteKit and markdown
Local code quality checks should be opt-in
Advantages of writing your own date & time wrapper classes
Copying command output to the clipboard on Linux
Generating Tree-sitter and Grammar Wasm Binaries with Emscripten
Most Open-Source Projects' Codebases are Impossible for Outsiders to Read
How to relieve and avoid carpal tunnel