Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.
(Modern) PHP: Does it really suck?
Threads and Concurrency Part 0: Intro to threads and async runtimesThreads and Concurrency Part 0: Intro to threads and async runtimes Threads and the general concept of concurrency are among the most widely misunderstood and confusing topics for newer developers. This is partially due to popular language features that abstract away the details, leaving many developers with a lack...Threads and the general concept of concurrency are among the most widely misunderstood and confusing topics for newer developers. This is partially due to popular language features that abstract away the details, leaving many developers with a lack...
Processes, Pipes, I/O, Files and Threads/Async
Unsolicited advice for anyone seeking to learn computer science or software development in 2023.
How I got here is already far too long, so I must include a separate post for all the credits and gratitude I need to extend to those who made this possible.
Following up on the first impressions post, let’s solve a problem in OCaml and compare the Rust solution.
Humorous article, completely unrelated to, and written before, the others ended up actually on the front page.