About two years ago, I started working on a little embedded domain-specific language (EDSL) called achille, using Haskell. Because this EDSL has its own notion of morphisms Recipe m a b from a to b, I was looking for a way to let users write such morphisms using regular Haskell functions and the syntax for lambda abstraction, \x -> .... As...
Today I took the decision to switch mail providers, moving from Proton Mail to Migadu. I’ve been a loyal paying user of Proton Mail for about 5 years now, and during those years I’ve been fairly happy with the service they provide. However, looking back on it, I don’t think I’m their target audience, and I’ve come to realize my mailing life would...
I stumbled upon Matt Webb’s About Feeds and realized I had been missing out on the power of web syndication for quite some time. Turns out most sites still make their feed available in one way or another. This allows anyone to subscribe to the content they are interested in without having to rely on a centralized platform. No more checking out...
This is the first entry of this blog. I’ve been meaning to make one for the longest time but never got around to actually write stuff down. After bike-shedding endlessly about which static-site generator would be best for the task at end, and trying to build my own in Haskell with no specification in mind, I finally settled on a minimal setup to...