A long time ago, in a Glasgow far, far, away…
More from Three Letter Acronym
So, we are coming up on a little anniversary for me this weekend. On the 5th of January 2000, Steve Jobs unveiled the new Aqua user interface of Mac OS X to the world at Macworld Expo. Towards the end of the presentation, he showed off the Dock. You all know the Dock, it’s been … Continue reading "I Live My Life a Quarter Century at a Time"
I tell this story, not to gain your sympathy, but more to be a cautionary tale. As we head into Apple’s OS release cycle, I don’t have a lot to show for it this year. Not nothing, but not anything I would consider actually substantial. I know a lot of people who are in the … Continue reading "Subscribe to Burnout+"
Catalyst is in some ways a miraculous technology – just click a check box and instantly have a working Mac version of your app. And, given the source code of a relatively modern iOS app, it certainly works. Even PCalc’s About screen worked out of the box. But that is just step one of a … Continue reading "Catalytic Converter"
I originally wrote this piece way back in April 2015, just after returning from speaking at Úll. It ended up not being published, but I figured since I’m preparing for my trip to Úll 2016, I would put it up here instead. And hey, first post on my blog in six years! I wrote an article in … Continue reading "Rise of the Úlluminati"
Reprinted from issue 28 of The Loop magazine from March 2014, with thanks to Jim Dalrymple. It seems ironic, that despite our invention of near-instantaneous global communication, we are still not the best species on the planet at actually telling each other how we’re feeling. Probably not even in the top five. Instead, many of … Continue...