Improving Performance in Plight of the Wizard
More from Winston Cooke - Blog
I previously discussed how double-entry accounting works — including how to create the balance sheet — in my article A Basic Introduction to Accounting. Now let's explore some more basic accounting concepts: revenue, expenses, and depreciation. Fixed assets provide a great way to explore these concepts, so let's not waste anytime and get right...
I recently wrapped up a 12-week batch at the Recurse Center (RC) in Brooklyn, NY, and I can safely say that attending RC was one of the best decisions I have ever made. This was the most creative period of my life, and the amount I learned rivaled my time in college with the added bonus that I was able to learn what I wanted to learn. I had a few...
Background In the late 19th to mid 20th century, the United States Department of Agriculture hired dozens of artists to paint watercolors of every fruit that grows in the United States. The collection contains 7,497 watercolor paintings, 87 line drawings, and 79 wax models created by approximately 21 artists. I thought this would make a great set...
Media in this article may trigger epileptic seizures. Reader discretion is advised. While watching people play my game, Plight of the Wizard, I observed a clever tactic. Some players learned how enemies spawn and used it to their advantage. The enemy spawner I implemented spawns enemies a certain distance away from the player. This way, if the...
After making an arena shooter for the Playdate titled Plight of the Wizard, there were a few areas that I knew needed some polish. One of those areas was how I handle my character's rotation. Here was my previous implementation: There were two issues with my approach: 1. Rotating a sprite in code is not very performant...