Beware of Godaddy Premium Renewal Fees on Non-premium Domains!
More from The Blog of Michael Taboada
Also known as: why you shouldn’t trust a company who makes their product intensionally inaccessible with allowing you an accessibility workaround Update: I’ve been informed that hCaptcha now has a text captcha option. The bulk of this blog post still stands. Thanks to D Hamlin for the correction. Also thanks to T Spivey for pointing […]
Hi all, I just want to let y’all know that my friend and I, working as 2MB Solutions, have released a new game, Mine Racer. Check it out, and let me know what you think either on here or on the 2MB site. You can find Mine Racer here. -Michael.
Dear all readers, I happened to stumble upon a list of available 2-letter domain names in the .rs domain space, and figured I’d get one just for the fun of it. I ended up settling on, as it could stand for 1 URL: Really Short, and I had wanted to run a public […]
This was my idea, following on from articles I’ve read from EDM Prod about how to grow as a musician. Anyway, I would like to officially propose the month of January 2017 to be a music making and growth month. I’m calling it Jamuary (thanks to Billy for the name). The point of the month […]
Once again, I’m back with a web application related post: This time, it’s dokuwiki. I didn’t notice it myself, perhaps because it only crops up under certain situations, but someone on my wiki told me when they saved a page, it showed up as wiki/pagedo=edit. This was strange, so I started investigating. I finally got […]