My one man company stack and which services I recommend (in 2024)
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Ruby 3.1.2 vs 3.3.5+YJIT in production In the previous article I discussed about my upgrade process from Ruby 3.1 to ruby 3.3, discovered a potential regression in a specific scenario, and ended up with synthetic benchmark results looking pretty great: Basically much higher performance thanks to YJIT, with an even lower memory usage then before,... has been running on ruby 3.1 since... git log -p .ruby-version... August 2022 so for slighly over 2 years now. More specifically ruby 3.1.2 with jemalloc for better performance. Note: I am not using YJIT in production yet, as my benchmark in 3.1.2 for daemon code showed a mere 5-10% CPU time performance increase, but with more...
This investigation was surprising to me so I thought it would be interesting to share my findings and I hope you'll like it. Some of my clients occasionally reported that the updown confirmation email (used to confirm a new email address, provided by Devise) had been classified as spam, we're talking about this one: Doesn't look too spammy so far...
I wanted to improve the responsiveness of the Delete account action, which could be slow for bigger/older accounts due to the many associated records to be destroyed (downtimes, metrics) being sparsely distributed in the database. This sounded like a wonderfully perfect use-case for the recent dependent: :destroy_async option added in Rails 6.1....
For a while I've been thinking of "starting a tech blog". Well technically I already started one a while back on Medium, but I didn't like Medium because of the—let's say poor—reader experience so I didn't want to write on it nor to promote it. I saw many blog tech and hosting platform rise (and die) in the following years, everytime telling...