We are always making choices; how might we maximize their impact?
More from Mel Chua
16 17 I recently read two articles on America Magazine, a Jesuit publication, that reminded me of the Deaf Catholic community (of which I am a part). The first article, My black Catholic church was closed in the name of integration (capitalization following the original), reminded me of arguments that Deaf parishoners should go integrate with...
I was one of the content experts for ASLCore Engineering and ASLCore Computer Science, and we periodically get requests from people asking if we can make a sign for some concept (or usually, some English word) or other.
As I continue finding old research notes I should really just get out there, I found this one - the best writeup I have (from 2016 or so) on “role fluidity as a theory of cultural change.” This is something I’m still working on, but… first stabs at articulating. I do believe these are true, they’re just - incredibly half-baked, and… I… don’t know...
When I wrote my strategic plan in 2017 for the 2-year Gallaudet Peer Mentoring program, I ended up writing the best description I think I have written thus far about what I want my future research lab to look like. Here are these aspirations from 2017-Mel, who (notably) was on a signing academic campus as a signer for the first time - something I...
I just finished my training as part of the 2019 cohort of Gallaudet Peer Mentors. This is a 2-year certificate program for adults with hearing loss (who have various identities and linguistic mixes) who want to mentor other adults. We revisited our plans from 2 years ago, and I found some interesting bits in mine.