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Like a helium balloon
8 Oct 2024 | original ↗

Young children have no problem letting things go. It's a flaw built up over time, and it takes us years to unlearn it as adults.To correct a behavior, parents intuitively reprimand them when something wrong happens. We correct in the now what was done in the past.It creates a strong bond between how we feel now and what happened then—a strong connection between the outcome, our feelings about the outcome, and the past performance.While this is not entirely...

Dealing with frustration
4 Oct 2024 | original ↗

Living with an 18-month-old is never boring. My son, Lucas, swings from one mood to another in less time than it took me to write the end of this sentence.One moment, he's happy reading a book. The next, he stands and tries to reach for a toy his sister plays with, but he melts down because he can't get it.The intensity and the pace of the scene reveal its obvious absurdity.However, we often fail to recognize it when it happens to us adults with slightly different...

Parenting is improv theater
1 Oct 2024 | original ↗

Parenting is as live as improv theater. The rest of the troupe is here, the audience is here, and there's only one take.When I started my job as a dad, I thought I'd always be able to give it my best. Not in a presumptuous way, but in a will-try-really-hard kind of way.But real life is messy. Kids get tired; parents get tired. There are a million things to care for and problems to deal with. As good of a juggler as you might be, dropping some balls is...

It's fixable
27 Sept 2024 | original ↗

It was super windy last weekend, and I was a bit agitated. I was on my way out to join my family at the playground. But as I was stepping past the wooden gate (I built it myself, and I'm a bit proud of it), I decided to go back and grab a football.Four steps away from the gate. That was far enough for me to be too far to catch it as the wind slammed it shut.Well, it did more than that. It ripped off the plank that was supposed to stop the gate. I looked in...

The best $4 ever spent
24 Sept 2024 | original ↗

Kids get excited about things that are very different from those of adults.You probably remember your kid's first birthday. The members of the extended family all wanted to spoil her. They brought fun gifts. Useful and useless ones. They brought toys recommended by the best parent influencers.They looked at your child with excitement, as she was unwrapping the gifts with you. But she didn't seem to... care? "No, no don't play with the wrapping paper!...

Everybody struggles
20 Sept 2024 | original ↗

Life is tough. Most weeks come with their share of issues. From a tiny aggravation to an enormous problem.Human beings have been trying to find ways to accept it since... well, probably since around the time our species began to exist.We have healthy and unhealthy ways to cope. Periods when it's easier to accept that life is made of these challenges and periods when we struggle.But quasi-universally, we think that our situation is unique. We are the only ones with...

Careful with that exaggeration
17 Sept 2024 | original ↗

The language we use matters. Hyperboles and exaggerations can be tempting to use to make a point. Or if you're French... oh yes! Some of us have a sweet spot for drama.But our kids have yet to adjust their rhetorical tools. They tend to take things literally even when we, adults, think that it's obviously just a figure of speech.If I say to my wife, "The tax level this year is KILLING US!" in front of my young daughter, she won't know that I don't mean that. Whether she...

Boredom is an invitation to slow down
13 Sept 2024 | original ↗

It's 3:22 p.m., and I'm sitting in the clinic's waiting room. They send you to this place when you have an emergency that isn't urgent enough for the ER.I'm here with my daughter, who needs to see a doc. (She's good now)A few other kids are in the waiting room—all with only one of their parents. And every parent is breaking their neck staring down at their phone.Fortunately, I realize this as soon as we enter the room and decide I won't pull my phone out of my...

We've had a good day, haven't we?
10 Sept 2024 | original ↗

Golly! Why is it so hard for us adults to acknowledge when things go well? Why do we seem to obsess over the proverbial late train?Modern science tells us that gratitude has health benefits across the board. Ancient traditions have been screaming at us to do it for literally thousands of years (see, for instance, the writings of Saint Paul).Yet, we don't express gratitude much. We go to bed with the same look on our faces no matter the day we had. We quickly move on to...

Giving up parenting
6 Sept 2024 | original ↗

Today's essay is a bit tongue-in-cheek. It's meant to achieve one thing and one thing only: to relieve you and me from a specific parenting guilt.It's for all of us dads who feel slightly ashamed whenever we fail to follow through on our decisions."Papa, can I watch Babblarna on YouTube?" "No.""Papa, can I watch Babblarna on YouTube?" "No.""Papa, can I watch Babblarna on YouTube?" "No.""Papa, can I watch Babblarna on YouTube?"...

Conversation: Flow and teaching disciplined pursuit to kids
6 Sept 2024 | original ↗

Hello my friends! For this first episode of Papa Notes presents: Conversations, I had the pleasure to have a conversation with my friend Jamie Howard. You can watch the full episode on YouTube: listen to the full conversation: 

Throw them a proper parade
3 Sept 2024 | original ↗

I don't know about you, but some days, it feels like all I do is tell my kids not to do stuff. Or to be careful with stuff. Or to do stuff.Most adults implicitly know to abide by the etiquette without thinking about it. It feels "normal," which makes it more difficult to notice when our kids do it, too.Deviation sticks out; conformity blends in.However, if we reinforce the positive when we see it, not only does it make for a calmer and more harmonious home, but it...

Instill enthusiasm
30 Aug 2024 | original ↗

Winston Churchill famously said that success is "the ability to go from failure to failure without losing your enthusiasm."No one ever cruised through life without facing challenges, hardships, and failures. But the modern world and its fast technological progress have given us hubris.We can easily be tricked into believing that humans have it all under control when the reality is that... well, we don't. We control very little, and thinking otherwise is pure...

Bonding took time
28 Aug 2024 | original ↗

Some events in life anoint you with a mission.You experience tragedy, luck, forgiveness, or grace, and you know that you won't be allowed to shut up about it. You have now inherited a responsibility, big or small, to help others or pay what you received forward.Consider today's post, a PSA (Public Service Announcement), as part of my mission.If you aren't already a dad, what you're about to read could spare you future suffering. If you are already blessed with...

The environment shapes the family
28 Aug 2024 | original ↗

Two years ago, I moved my family to a house.Shy above 110 square meters (1,184 square feet for my friends living outside of the metric world), the house itself isn't what you'd call big. But it is what we wanted. It's cheap to heat, cool down, and maintain.This house we bought has an interesting floor plan. The three bedrooms are relatively small, but the kitchen and dining room offer generous space for Christmas, birthdays, and other family gatherings. The living...

You will NEVER not worry
28 Aug 2024 | original ↗

My friend looked me in the eye and said: "Now that you have a kid, you will NEVER not worry."Sophie, my daughter, was just a few weeks old, but I had already experienced more worrying for someone else than in the previous three decades. Her early days were quite rough for many reasons. (Some of which I will return to in a future note.)She's my first child. During the first few weeks, I could only relax and sleep if we kept the lights on. I would...

Kids are quite the personal development hack
28 Aug 2024 | original ↗

Top coaches and motivational speakers make bread with the dough of thousands wanting to see them on stage.The book market is flooded with self-help and personal development books, from the most uninspired to the most eccentric or bizarre, and only a tiny percentage of helpful ones.We are constantly reminded to get out of our comfort zone. We must "work on ourselves" and "find and fix our blind spots."Parents, though, have their own mini Tony Robbins at home. A...

Thoughts and feelings of a good dad
28 Aug 2024 | original ↗

Only fools believe that what they once felt, they will feel forever. And we are all fools.Youths fall madly in love only for a short while.A new job energizes a woman until she realizes it's not perfect.A man begins learning the piano and stops after a week.Why?Unless we learn to cultivate them, the love, excitement, or sense of mission that originally carried us dissipate.You got the father title the moment your child entered...

Attention is a proof of love
28 Aug 2024 | original ↗

We can't stand regular stimulation anymore.We always want to be entertained. Reach into our right pocket and access an infinite list of things to watch, read, or listen to. People get sore thumbs from scrolling.Talking with people is slow. "Boooooring."As a result, it isn't easy to talk to someone uninterrupted. Notifications arrive at a rate inversely proportional to the age of the person you're chatting with.I've been on the receiving end multiple...

Praising results, but not only
28 Aug 2024 | original ↗

Sophie, my four-year-old daughter, loves chess.She has seen me play or do chess puzzles since her early days. There was always a chessboard on the kitchen table.When she was two, we would sometimes sit facing each other on the floor, separated by a chessboard. I would let her grab the chess pieces and make funny noises and gestures to hint at how they move."Fffffff fffff does the bishop" while moving it quickly in the air following an imaginary diagonal.I...

Find your group of dads
28 Aug 2024 | original ↗

Being a father is an incarnated experience. You can explain what you are going through or share your emotions with guys who don't have kids yet. But they won't get it.It takes living the fatherhood experience to understand it truly.If you tell a pal about your seven-week streak of poor sleeping nights, he might try to approximate what it's like based on his own experience. "Ah! Yeah. I remember when I was in college, we used to go out every evening."Ok, it's...

Don't fix it without them asking
27 Aug 2024 | original ↗

Think with me for a moment. Pick a time you presented an idea to your boss. Do you remember your excitement and motivation?Now, recall how you felt when your boss suggested "improvements" to your idea, or worse, a better way to do it. Sucks, right?Deep inside, we know that unprompted feedback can have this effect on us: It can ruin our motivation and fun.Yet, we do this very thing at home.Your young daughter comes to you with a silly play in mind, and you...

Men don't hug their kids
23 Aug 2024 | original ↗

... enough. Men don't hug their kids enough.I remember this weird story my mum shared with me. When I was a baby, my father's mother got really upset because my dad was changing my diaper.To her, this was something a dad did not do.It was cultural and generational, and things have changed since then. Yet, many still associate toughness (an attribute often praised for a dad) with emotional minimalism.Some men struggle to cry in front of their children. Some...

Conversation: Raising kids in a multilingual home
21 Aug 2024 | original ↗

Hello friends, For episode number 3 of Papa Notes presents: Conversations, I had the pleasure to chat with Joao Aguiam. We covered many different topics, including raising kids abroad and the challenges of speaking multiple languages at home. Please watch the full conversation on YouTube: Or listen to the full conversation: 

Conversation: Fairness, injustice, and unshakable joy
21 Aug 2024 | original ↗

Hello friends, Papa Notes presents: Conversations is back with a new episode! Listen to my very interesting and eloquent friend Mukom talk about parenting. You can find the full conversation on YouTube: listen to the full conversation: 

Vacation expectations
20 Aug 2024 | original ↗

The moment you became a dad, you waved goodbye to your old way of vacationing.I recently talked to Jamie about vacationing with kids on the Papa Notes Conversations podcast. One thing stood out: you must go on vacation with realistic expectations.Whether your kids are teenagers or younger, you can be confident they won't merely comply with your preferences. Especially if you were dreaming of a...

Like looking in a mirror
16 Aug 2024 | original ↗

You are flawed, and so am I. We carry our defects of character into fatherhood. But there's hope.Before we get kids, it's easier to ignore some of these flaws. People who care about us might give us feedback, but it's nothing compared to the feedback from a child.Kids mirror our repeated behaviors.Be generous around your son, and you will witness him being generous in turn. Show repeated impatience and expect your daughter to do it,...

You can't filter it all out
15 Aug 2024 | original ↗

Humans are controlling animals. They try to shape everything to their liking. The environment, themselves, and the people around them. Especially their offspring, whether they admit it or not. As new dads, we are well-intended but naïve. We believe we will always manage to control what we say and how we act around our kids. We think it is possible always to give a good example.Foolishness! Real life is messy, and kids grow like a patch of fresh dirt: one can sow grass...

Gently pushing our kids past setbacks
13 Aug 2024 | original ↗

Learning a new skill is difficult. In the beginning, enthusiasm propels us. It's new and exciting, and we are making progress quickly.But learning is never a linear endeavor. Our motivation fluctuates. Distractions and other interests show up.Setbacks and plateaux are inevitable.A son learning to bike finally drops the training wheels and falls. A daughter learning the French horn can't play the piece she thought she knew to play the week before.These...

Good dads are researchers
9 Aug 2024 | original ↗

Each of us adheres to an education principle that will act as a north star. This principle is often modeled after or against how we were raised.To some, this principle emphasizes the authority in parental authority: "My kids do what I tell them to because I tell them to do it." To others, the guiding principle is one of full agency of the child: "My kids are human beings; they know what's best for them." And the majority of people have principles somewhere between these two...

Should you teach your kid to cheat?
1 Aug 2024 | original ↗

A friend asked if he's wrong to teach his boy to cheat.This question has the quality of punching you in the stomach. It leaves you slightly disturbed and uncomfortable because, deep down, you know the answer is more complicated than it seems at first glance.My knee-jerk answer was that you should never teach a kid to cheat.The world is already crooked enough. We should aim to raise a generation with strong ethical standards.Teaching children to cheat...

Talking to strangers
26 Jul 2024 | original ↗

Most adults don't like interacting with strangers. Some don't know how to open the conversation or are afraid to bother the person. Others live in a past trauma of being ridiculed at school as a kid or rejected as an adult.It may even be amplified by the culture of the country where you grew up. Swedes, for instance, are often said to avoid talking to their neighbors (and strangers in general).Yet, knowing how to interact with strangers is a core skill to have. No...

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