Why arguing generals matter for the Internet
More from Vasek Rozhon's blog
We made a video about a nonstandard way to understand the A* algorithm. This blog post collects a few more clarifications, thoughts, and links. Another Example of a Run of A* Here is another run of A*, this time from Sarajevo (in the Balkans) to southeast Italy. You can notice that at the beginning, there … Continue reading The hidden beauty of...
We made a video about Levin’s universal search. This blog post collects a few more clarifications / interesting related facts. How to actually make the algorithm asymptotically optimal There are a few subtleties that we need to take care of if we really want to claim that our algorithm is asymptotically optimal algorithm for factoring. … Continue...
We recently made a Polylog video about the P vs NP problem. As usual, our goal was to present an underrated topic in a broadly understandable way, while being slightly imprecise and leaving out the messy technical details. This post is where I explain those details so that I can sleep well at night. EDIT: … Continue reading What P vs NP is...
Recently, Avi Wigderson won the Turing Award (see 1, 2, 3, 4) and we decided to make a video explaining a bit about his work on derandomization. This was definitely one of our most ambitious projects at Polylog. Anything with randomness and complexity theory is inherently hard to explain in 15 minutes, so we needed … Continue reading Avi...
In the book Surely, You Are Joking, Mr. Feynman, Richard Feynman tells a story of how he provoked math students at Princeton by asking them to explain what problems they were working on. He would then tell them pretty much instantly what the answer to their problem is. The catch is: just the answer, no … Continue reading If there is no reason for...