I took the last few weeks off work where I decided I...
More from benji
To celebrate IndieWebCamp: San Diego 2024 I want to send you a sticker. I got these stickers printed after Nick Simson got these commissioned from a discussion we had at a past Homebrew Website Club. If you want one of these, you can email me your...
My winter theme is back. I might change the colors to more closely match our lights later on.
I wanted to do December Adventure last year but as I was getting back to work after parental leave and had a newborn at home, it wasn't the right time. This year is still busy, but I think I can do it. What's great about December Adventure is that...
Note: I've had this post drafted for 3 YEARS!!! It's finally time to publish it. I like to mess with my dotfiles and every so often, I find out about a new way to do things and I spend more time than I should learning how to use it. A few years ago I...
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