NULL BITMAP by Justin Jaffray (RSS)
Ancestry I came across a cool algorithm recently for being able to efficiently answer ancestor queries in a tree ("is x an ancestor of y"). The trick is to assign to each node in the tree an interval [x, y] such that for any node, its children's ranges are contained within its range. It's easy to construct such ranges by doing a depth-first...
It’s a common pattern in Go to fan out I/O-bound tasks to a bunch of worker Goroutines. We have some big batch of work that has to get done, and we dole it out to workers that each do blocking I/O. There are a couple of natural ways to do this, but let's talk about a way not to do it first. I recently was shown a piece of code that implemented...
Happy new year, nothing too deep this week because I am traveling. If you read NULL BITMAP this year you have my gratitude. Peace and love. One of the transformational moments for me in "coding" specifically was when reviewing the code of one of the more effective programmers I know. We had a DAG, or something. Quick background, a DAG, or...
We are apparently continuing our series of posts borne from thinking about Amazon DSQL. Today we are talking about skew. Amy and Bill are two developers working on a shared codebase via GitHub. They use pull requests, and have a CI server that verifies that their code builds and all of their tests pass before they merge any code. This is, in...
The big three algebraic properties that show up in the distributed systems literature are associative, commutativity, and idempotency (EYE-dem-po-ten-see). Collectively these are referred to sometimes as “ACI” and these are so prevalent because those are precisely the things you need to require of distributed data structures so that they are...
At Re:Invent last week, AWS announced DSQL, their new serverless SQL database. As a fan of distributed SQL databases I have been enjoying reading about the various architectural decisions in Marc Brooker’s blog. One thing I thought was fun to see was the first real retread of the Spanner atomic clocks trick since…Spanner? So I thought this would...
It is the job of modern programming languages to be amenable to abstractions. It should be easy for users to take a little bundle of functionality and reuse it, or build something more complex on top of it, or give it to someone else to use. A good programming language gives you a set of primitives and tools to combine them into more complex...
It is the job of modern programming languages to be amenable to abstractions. It should be easy for users to take a little bundle of functionality and reuse it, or build something more complex on top of it, or give it to someone else to use. A good programming language gives you a set of primitives and tools to combine them into more complex...
Follow me on Bluesky! A Log-Structured Merge tree, or LSM, is a popular data structure for storage engines. It’s what is used by RocksDB, which is sort of the poster child LSM. At a high level, the way an LSM works is that new writes get added to a memory-only index called a memtable and a durable file called a write-ahead log, or WAL. The...
Meta note: follow me on Bluesky if you are so inclined. I've been going through some historical stuff lately. Been on a history kick. We went to see the Robert Caro Power Broker exhibit at The New York Historical and it really got me in a mood to be digging through some old musty documents. The paper SEQUEL: A STRUCTURED ENGLISH QUERY LANGUAGE by...
Everything you need to know about query planning can be understood from this query: SELECT * FROM xy WHERE y = 3 ORDER BY x Imagine we have two indexes, one ordered on y, and one ordered on x. Then two possible plans suggest themselves: Plan 1: scan the y index, restricting it to the values of y such that y = 3, then sort the result by x. Plan 2:...
“This code’s no good,” says Pittsford, pointing at the screen: def update_and_get_balance(account, amount): database.debit(account, amount) return database.get_balance(account) Sol, the author of the code, peers over his shoulder and squints. “What’s wrong with it? It adds the amount, then gets back the new balance.” Pittsford shakes his...
I hope everyone had a good weekend. I went on a hike. It was great. Statistics One of my great school regrets, next to “taking three years of business classes,” is taking less statistics than I did, which was basically the bare minimum. It was, in fact the bare minimum: one probability class and one statistics class. In my defense, my probability...
There is a popular presentation of the exponential distribution that goes through the geometric distribution. The geometric distribution arises from flipping a weighted coin until you see a heads, and reporting how long it took. It can be simulated with this code: def geo(p): count = 1 while rand() < p: count++ return count The...
I saw a fun post this week about interpreting colours as vectors and the way you can exploit that interpretation to nicely represent certain operations you might want to do on those colours. As the author notes, you can perform an operation on a colour via a matrix multiplication if and only if that operation is linear. Linear maps obey and One...
Last week we talked about the notion of the relational derivative and its application to enforcing integrity constraints in databases. The relational derivative is defined by And we can compute it by rearranging: We can use this to do things like incrementally update a query in response to new data, or to tell whether or not a query will change...
In a SQL database, you can set up a foreign key with REFERENCES: nullbitmap=# CREATE TABLE ab (a INT PRIMARY KEY, b INT); CREATE TABLE nullbitmap=# INSERT INTO ab VALUES (1, 10), (2, 20), (3, 30); INSERT 0 3 nullbitmap=# SELECT * FROM ab; a | b ---+---- 1 | 10 2 | 20 3 | 30 (3 rows) nullbitmap=# CREATE TABLE xa (x INT PRIMARY KEY, a INT...
There's a joke in my friend circle that asks "is it a database?" A startup, a program, a syscall, a person good with numbers, a person with a good memory. It's all very "is it a sandwich.” But it’s kind of true that it’s weird you can look at RocksDB and Snowflake and say “these are the same class of thing,” because they have very little...
We’ve now talked twice about an important dimension of a benchmark: the openness of the loop. While there’s more subtlety to it, if what you take away is: open-loop is better for measuring latency, and closed-loop is better for measuring throughput. then you’re not going to be in such a bad place. There’s maybe three main roles someone could find...
Note: I'm trying out enabling comments. Behave! I reserve the right to disable them again for any reason including "the very idea of someone commenting made me anxious." We talked recently about why it’s easy to use a closed-loop benchmark to inappropriately measure latency, and why an open-loop benchmark is a better choice for this, generally....
I was going to write a longer, more involved post this week, but I wound up getting Covid and didn't have it in me to work through all the stuff I had to for that. So here is a smaller issue. I know of exactly one situation in which the grammar of SQL is "tricky" to parse. I use the word tricky because I've been out of the game too long to...
Implementing something like a compiler, there is the understanding that we want different representations of a program for different purposes. This is why we have stuff like a “control-flow graph” or “SSA form.” Some kinds of analyses and transformations are easier in more abstract representations that have thrown away certain information. But...
Let's make a little mock database. It won't actually do anything but pretend to handle requests. I've had cause at work lately to write some Go so we're going to use Go. type Database struct { requests chan Request } func NewDatabase() Database { return Database{ requests: make(chan Request), } } const maxConcurrentRequests =...
This is the 52nd NULL BITMAP, which means I have been doing this for a whole year! I skipped one week before I decided that this was going to be a weekly thing, but besides that there has been a NULL BITMAP every Monday. If you have read any of them then thank you for partaking in this whole deal I am very grateful :) I wasn’t sure what an...
The first place I got into programming was making games. You can probably dig up some games I made long ago if you try hard enough (do not). In high school, my focus on programming went over to implementing solvers for various Rubik's Cube like puzzles. Since this is the first thing people wonder when I mention stuff like this, I was okay (this...
Hello I am traveling this weekend! I am home in Ontario. I wanted to share this picture I took of this guy feeding a bear. Bear eating an object out of a guy’s hand Don’t feed bears! This is not an endorsement of this behaviour! Quite the opposite! We love Datalog here. We love it! We're fiends for it. Datalog is very elemental and that makes it...
A number of readers last week reached out to direct my attention to What if a SQL Statement Returned a Database which is a much more thorough and well-articulated explanation of the core idea—thank you! A Query Planning Guideline Say I want to construct a plan for the following query: SELECT a, sum(b) FROM (SELECT a, a + 1 AS x, b FROM ab)...
Podcast Appearance I was on the Thinking About Computers podcast recently! We had a fun chat on the topic of writing technical content and research. Personally I can't stand hearing my own voice so I haven't listened to it but I enjoyed participating. They're also on podcast platforms and they have lots of good episodes! Multiple Returns in SQL...
Over the last two weeks you were babysat by the pre-scheduling feature of Buttondown, since I was away in Japan without my laptop. Here's me in Japan: I had a nice trip. To hear more about what I thought, ask your nearest "white guy who likes video games" how he felt about going to Japan. Anyway, I'm back and writing these weekly again! Back to...
Recently I was in a Discord channel where someone wrote something akin to “I have a question about linearizability” which had an attached thread with 80 replies. This is what game designers call "environmental storytelling." Anyway, this exchange got me thinking again about why this is a famously confusing topic despite being so fundamental. I...
Previous parts of this series: Physical Properties #1 Physical Properties #2 Physical Properties #3 Relational query planning makes a distinction between "logical properties" and "physical properties." Logical properties are the attributes of a result set that are essential to it being considered correct, such as "which rows are present."...
Get in loser, we’re doing another Codd philosophizing session. Codd’s paper introducing the relational model opens up like so: Future users of large data banks must be protected from having to know how the data is organized in the machine (the internal representation). Ted Codd (illus. Pittsford Travers) This is a very strong statement. And why...
I didn't realize how hard it would be to bin-pack episodes of this thing into the roughly ~750 word chunks that I try to keep issues of this newsletter at. Lots of things are like, oh that's small, so I'm going to stuff it in with something else, but then that something else is sort of big and so it's iffy to cram something else in there too....
One thing about concurrency control (“isolation”) in a transactional database is that it incurs costs, and there’s broadly two kinds of such costs. The first such cost is the essential sacrifice of providing isolation. In a general transactional model, two transactions simply cannot concurrently operate mutably on the same piece of data. There’s...
To compute the join of two relations, we find all pairs of rows their rows which have the same value for any columns with the same name. This is sometimes called the natural join in the software world, and in the join processing world is often just called the join. fn main() { let r = Relation::new(["a", "b"]) .row([1, 2]) ...
It is time to end the tyranny of people becoming interested in database implementation and building a BTree. Let us turn to the succor of immutable storage. Today we are starting a new series. I know I have several ongoing series. But writing for different series requires different states of mind and I make the rules here. We are going to make an...
I used to call this thing a “game” but my friend Kevin (who is not the same Kevin as last week but who is also a mathematician) kept telling me it’s really more of a “trick.” So, it’s a trick, in the canon, I guess. I was interning at a finance firm where we (the interns) were asked to “teach everyone something.” I didn’t participate (I didn’t...
Last week a post of mine made it to God’s favourite website and one thing I was struck by was how many people disagreed about basic graph theory terminology. Some people also seemed to complain about the lack of an introduction. To be clear: I have no intention of changing the expositional style of NULL BITMAP, at least explicitly or consciously,...
It's pretty easy to imagine how to represent relational algebra expressions as a tree—they are already structurally rooted trees where each operator has its inputs as children. Even in a language like Rust, which has not yet implemented mutable aliasing (an oft-requested feature stuck at the RFC stage) we can implement this easily: enum RelExpr...
We don't have all that much in the world of relational query planning that could be considered a "fundamental theorem," as in like, some central idea that everything else rests on. This is partly because we don't really have a lot of "theorems" in the first place, outside of more involved stuff like join bounds and join ordering algorithms, there...
Today I want to talk about a way to think about some relational algebra operations. First, let's start with this relation: This is just a handful of games that appeared on a handful of systems, but let's pretend this was a complete list of games. One way to visualize this data is as a set of points in a 3-dimensional space (the third dimension...