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Equity taxes: Putting it all together
26 Apr 2021 | original ↗

Now that we’ve covered source taxation, US taxation, and Australian taxation, we can finally talk about all the exciting edge cases you hit when trying to file equity-related taxes after moving internationally. Some of these problems are from lack of clarity in one or the other of the domestic tax systems, but most come about from the quirks of...

Equity taxes: the Australian perspective
12 Dec 2020 | original ↗

We’ve talked a little about US equity taxes, but now let’s turn to a different country, and discuss how those same taxes are applied in Australia. If you’re not subject to Australian taxation this might sound irrelevant to you, but we’re going to need two countries to talk about the final details of international tax, so I’d encourage you to...

Equity taxes: the US perspective
31 Aug 2020 | original ↗

In my last post, I talked about how source taxation could mean that you end up paying US taxes long after you move away from the US, or state taxes within the US long after you move away from that state. I didn’t talk at all about how those taxes would be calculated though, and we’ll need to understand that to talk about the more complex problems...

Equity taxes: What happens when you move?
16 Jul 2020 | original ↗

Let’s talk tax! Taxes aren’t the most interesting of topics, but as a mass exodus from San Francisco begins in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, there are a whole bunch of people working at Silicon Valley tech companies who are going to have to start dealing with them in much more depth.

Ichthyology: Phishing as a Science
4 Mar 2018 | original ↗

I gave a talk about phishing at a few different conferences last year, and people occasionally ask me for the whitepaper and / or recording. They’re not very discoverable at the moment, so I figure I’ll link them here, and then I’ll have a better answer than “search my browser history”.

Don’t Panic: there’s more TTL
13 Jun 2016 | original ↗

A bored network engineer caused a bit of a stir on the Internet in early 2013: they set up an IP that when traceroute‘d returned the introductory text of Star Wars: Episode IV. Their original implementation bounced packets between two different routers, with a series of virtual routing tables. I don’t have access to routers that are that...

SSH for Fun and Profit
30 Apr 2016 | original ↗

In May last year, a new attack on the Diffie Hellman algorithm was released, called Logjam. At the time, I was working on a security team, so it was our responsiblity to check that none of our servers would be affected. We ran through our TLS config and decided it was safe, but also needed to check that our SSH config was too. That confused me –...

Tim Tam Logistics
30 Mar 2016 | original ↗

As an Australian living in the US, I feel it’s my duty to introduce the treats of my childhood to my co-workers: red frogs, Fantales, and Milo have all made appearances. However, far and away the mostly highly voted treat has been Tim Tams. Unfortunately, as an imported product, Tim Tams are pretty expensive in the US - over US$8 a packet on...

Puzzles with coreutils (Part 2)
28 Jun 2015 | original ↗

On another free weekend afternoon, I decided to finish off the rest of the coreutils brainteasers I started last month. This time I learned more about Linux audio, bash substring replacement, and the assortment of flags that ls supports.

Puzzles with coreutils (Part 1)
28 May 2015 | original ↗

Reading through an article, What every computer science major should know, I came across a couple of interesting coreutils brain teasers under “The Unix philosophy” to play with of an evening. They turned out to be a great way to learn about some more tools, and to brush up on some of those I already knew.

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