Bringing Design to Software - Ch. 1 Kapor
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What does it mean to improve skills? How can you move beyond the basics and keep getting better? Please continue to my website to read the post. Sorry about that. If you're a technical person and you know how let Astro render mdx to an RSS feed, please let me know.
What’s bad about mindfulness? Why do companies make everything worse? And why do we still work for them? I’ve got answers! Please continue to my website to read the post. Sorry about that. If you're a technical person and you know how let Astro render mdx to an RSS feed, please let me know.
Let's make user interfaces truly colorful! Please continue to my website to read the post. Sorry about that. If you're a technical person and you know how let Astro render mdx to an RSS feed, please let me know.
Nice chart with reasons why a website doesn't run JavaScript (yet). Progressive enhancement. Because sometimes your JavaScript just won’t work. Be prepared.
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