Using a PowerBook G4 Today
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I recently produced (and was the Major-General in) The Pirates of Penzance. The opera was first performed in 1879, and published contemporaneously. Its composer, Arthur Sullivan, died in 1900, and its librettist. W. S. Gilbert, in 1911. So when I uploaded it to YouTube, why was my video tagged as a copyright violation? It wasn’t that kind of...
This is not a sponsored post of any kind. I just wanted to share how and why I browse the web on my Android phone. You won’t need to be rooted or using a custom ROM to follow along; any Android user should be able to use this setup. (Sorry iOS users, but you’ll have to stick with what you’ve got.) The Android browser landscape From StatCounter...
Since YouTube is the dominant video platform, a lot has already been said about its copyright claims system. Most of that has had to do with questions about what constitutes fair use (in movie reviews, for instance). Google’s AI is mostly trained to recognize the presence or non-presence of content in your video, not whether or not your use is...