Here is an example of negative lookahead assertion in regular expression using Python: import re strings = ['foo', 'bar', 'baz', 'foo-bar', 'bar-baz', 'baz-foo'] matches = [s for s in strings if'^(?!.*foo)', s)] print(matches) The regular expression ^(?!.*foo) in the above example matches strings that do not contain the pattern...
Read on website | #technology
The SHA-256 hash of this sentence begins with 0573e7473. Read on website | #technology
Introduction In mathematics, a function \( f \) from a set \( X \) to a set \( Y \) is a relation that associates each element of \( X \) with exactly one element of \( Y. \) This page describes the commonly used notation, terminology, and concepts pertaining to functions. Contents Introduction Definition Notation Domain,...
Guess My RGB, the little colour guessing game, just got a small update. This update adds a "Mode" link to the footer which can be used to toggle the game between normal mode and expert mode. The expert mode was introduced as a hidden feature five months ago in the previous release. With the current release, the expert mode no longer...
Real Analysis Meeting time: 19:00 UTC on Saturdays and Sundays usually.† Meeting duration: 40 minutes. Meeting link: Meeting log: click here Reference book: Real Analysis by John M. Howie (2001) Chapter notes: ch01.html Club channel: ...
Guess My RGB, the little colour guessing game, received a minor update today. This update adds a hidden feature that lets you play the game in expert mode. In this mode, the match percentage for your submitted guess is not shown on the screen. Thanks to @steffahn for suggesting this feature on th Lobsters forum! Visit...
Often while using curl with URLs that return a JSON response, I need to print the HTTP response headers along with the JSON response. Here is an example that shows how this can be done: $ curl -sSi HTTP/1.1 200 OK Server: nginx/1.18.0 Date: Sun, 14 Apr 2024 22:20:49 GMT Content-Type: application/json...
On #emacs IRC or Matrix channels, we often share references to the built-in Emacs documentation as Elisp expressions that look like this: (info "(emacs) Basic Undo") Here is another example: (info "(emacs) Word Search") This is a common practice in the Emacs channels even though all of the Emacs manual is available on the world wide web...
Oskar Perron, a German mathematician, introduced Perron's paradox to illustrate the danger of assuming the existence of a solution to an optimisation problem. The paradox works like this: Let \( n \) be the largest positive integer. Then either \( n = 1 \) or \( n > 1. \) If \( n > 1, \) then \( n^2 > n, \) contradicting the...
Last Sunday (31 Mar 2024), I published a tiny colour guessing game called Guess My RGB. I developed most of it on Saturday afternoon, took a break, and revisited it later that night for some final code cleanup. Around 02:00 UTC, I uploaded the game to my website. Since the entire game is contained in a single HTML file named...
CFRS[] 0.2.0 is a minor update of CFRS[], an extremely minimal drawing language consisting of only 6 simple commands. This update brings minor changes to the built-in help screen that can be invoked by typing ? in the input pane. For example, the help screen now has a direct links to built-in demos and community demos. Further, based...
We know that the natural logarithm of a number \( x, \) i.e., the logarithm of \( x \) to the base \( e, \) is sometimes denoted as \( \ln x. \) It has other notations too. For example, many mathematics textbooks just use the notation \( \log x \) after establishing once that this notation denotes the natural logarithm. The most...
Guess My RGB 0.1.0 is the first stable release of this tiny colour guessing game. The game is available as a single HTML page that runs in a web browser. It presents a page with a randomly chosen background colour. The player then needs to guess the three RGB hexademical digits that make the given background colour. See ...
A tiny, web-based, RGB colour guessing game. Read on website | #web | #game | #graphics | #technology
I have been using Jira for a very long time now. I first came across it while contributing to Apache projects in 2006. I find the search features of Jira to be remarkably clumsy and inadequate. Nevertheless, very recently I learnt to solve a common problem of mine. Let us say, I know a user named alice has commented about a specific...
Quick Links This page contains quick links to various sections of this website. Pages Blog Posts Quick Notes Computation Club All Pages Tags Fun Pages Blank — Blank page CFRS[] — Minimal drawing language with only six commands FXYT — Tiny, stack-based, postfix canvas...
I first encountered Jenkins in 2007 while contributing to the Apache Nutch project. It was called Hudson back then. The nightly builds for the project ran on Hudson at that time. I remember sifting through my emails and reviewing build result notifications to keep an eye on the patches that got merged into the trunk everyday. Yes, ...
It is likely well known among Emacs users that the following key sequence starts a search-and-replace operation to match strings with the regular expression pattern f.. and replace the matches with bar. C-M-% f.. RET bar RET Similarly, the following key sequence looks for strings that match a pattern that has two capturing groups and...
Our tiny book club that used to meet during the weekends and holidays and discuss the book Mastering Emacs, 2022 edition concluded today. In our final meeting today, we first discussed how to work across multiple directories in the same Dired buffer. Then we did several demos of the various shells and terminal modes available in...
The following notes were taken while discussing Chapter 6 of the book Mastering Emacs by Mickey Petersen (2022 edition) in book discussion group meetings. An index of notes for all chapters are available at notes.html. Contents Third-Party Packages and Tools Communities Third-Party Packages and Tools Here is a list of third-party...
The following notes were taken while discussing Chapter 6 of the book Mastering Emacs by Mickey Petersen (2022 edition) in book discussion group meetings. An index of notes for all chapters are available at notes.html. Contents Exploring Emacs Project Management Xref Xref Setup Search Tools for Xref Four Most...