Named parameters are generally better than positional parameters, and you should use them by default
Abstractions are a double-edged sword
How I discovered strength training.
The moment I realied the job was going to change drastically
Thoughts on more than a decade of web development experience.
A reflection on potential, parenthood and imitation.
A small but practical framework to evaluate refactoring proposals.
On the importance of working on your deficiencies instead of waiting for others to point them out to you.
Or how the success of software projects depends greatly on good estimation of their costs.
A small tutorial showing how to configure React Relay with Vite.js
A short note on the dangers of using [closed, closed] intervals.
On the limits of scientific knowledge and the importance of reading the classics
On null pointer exceptions, type systems, A/B testing and RBAC systems.
On prediction failures, bad betting strategies and one-line-changes.
On the importance of building solid foundations.