Greg Molnar (RSS)
2024 was an amazing year for the Rails community and I’d like to share a summary of what changed in the framework. As a TLDR, there were more than 4000 commits from 562 contributors and 55 releases, including Rails 8!
Since Kamal 2 can host multiple sites on the same server, I am consolidating my apps into larger hosts so I have less servers to worry about. Most of my apps are Rails apps, but I have a few static jekyll sites like this blog and I decided to look into how could I move this site to a server I host other Rails apps on.
Someone asked on Twitter yesterday about the how to add TailwindCSS to a Rails 8 project the easiest way and having hot reload. This is how I believe it is to do so in a few minutes.
2 weeks ago, at the last day of Rails World, Sahil, the founder of Gumroad made a tweet, stating that Rails is a legacy framework, and announced that their are rewriting Gumroad in TypeScript for a few reasons. One was to get rid of the technical debt. It is a very weird take, because you will end up with the same technical debt after a while...
Kamal 2 was released recently and it brings a few singnificant changes. Traefik is replaced by kamal-proxy, Kamal runs all containers in a custom Docker network and secrets are passed differently to new containers. All these changes mean that the upgrade is not simple, but in this article I will walk you through an example to help with the process.
I had the privilege to attend and speak at Rails World 2024 in Toronto.
I gave a talk about the State of Security in Rails 8 at Rails World in Toronto in 2024. These are the slides from my talk: This browser does not support PDFs. Please download the PDF to view it: Download PDF.
I want to put down my thoughst about FriendlyRb while they are fresh.
I gave a talk about OWASP Top 10 at FriendlyRb in September 2024. These are the slides from my talk: This browser does not support PDFs. Please download the PDF to view it: Download PDF.
Almost 2 years ago, I decided to switch from a Macbook to a Framework. Back then, they only had a 13” option and even though I felt that screen will be too small for me, to support the company I ordered one. Initially, I found the whole device tiny, but then I got accustomed to it and it became my daily driver.
The Neonify challenge on Hack The Box is a small Sinatra(a Ruby web framework) app, that generates a glowing text of the submitted value: