For whatever it's worth: my advice on job hunting in tech
More from Josh Collinsworth
Things I watched, read, played, got into, enjoyed, or did and would do again, in 2024.
Life in America has long felt like a game played between adults and children; a game where one side knows the rules and is dedicated to keeping them, and the other is merely making up ad-hoc rules from moment to moment, for no reason but to help them win.
I feel it's important to issue a critical reading of Automattic's post, as it doesn't seem to offer much of a serious or objective examination of the issues at hand. Rather, the post unfortunately reads as something more akin to a puff piece, or corporate propaganda.
I believe Matt Mullenweg's abuses of his unilateral, unchecked powers prove that it is in the best interest of the entire WordPress community that he be removed from power immediately.
A personal (read: meandering) post inspired by the realization that I first began to learn HTML and CSS exactly ten years ago, reflecting on the lucky turning points that brought me to where I am today.