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ProductHunt has over 1 million user signups. More than 60% of those are bots. How it started I’ve used ProductHunt since early 2014. Besides Hacker News, it was a good way to see the latest product launches in tech. Using the comments on products, I could discover similar tools or collect feedback on my own products. Lately though, I’ve noticed...
Meet Theresia, a lead developer at Eurisko. Eurisko is a large software development company with multiple departments, including game development, web development, and mobile apps. Theresia is a scrum master at Eurisko, so she has a broad overview of the company’s workflows. WakaTime has been a crucial tool for tracking and optimizing developers’...
Happy New Year! Photo by Alan Hamlett In 2023, more than 500k developers spent a combined 51 million hours programming, tracked with WakaTime plugins. The average person spent 48 minutes per day programming. Each year we release a personalized coding report showing your accomplishments over the last year. We also include average trends for all...
The Eclipse plugin now tracks how long your builds take to compile. Shortest WakaTime blog post ever. Happy codin…, I mean happy compiling!
Ever since Apple disabled plugins in Xcode, we’ve been looking for a way to still show your code stats for Xcode without a plugin. Now, we’re happy to announce a native Mac app that adds back support for Xcode code stats! WakaTime for Mac runs in your system tray and uses Apple's accessibility features to watch for typing in Xcode. The time you...