Computing Integer Roots
More from Fred Akalin
It is intuitive that removing even a single point from a line disconnects it, but removing a finite set of points from a plane leaves it connected. A line disconnected by a single point. A plane remaining connected even with a few points removed. However, this basic fact leads to a non-trivial property of real and complex polynomials: not all...
KaTeXMacros = { "\\pd": "\\frac{∂{#1}}{∂{#2}}", "\\CSF": "Γ_{#1}", "\\CS": "{Γ^{#1}}_{#2}", "\\cnf": "{ω^{#1}}_{#2}", "\\crf": "{Ω^{#1}}_{#2}", "\\Riem": "{\\operatorname{Riem}^{#1}}_{#2}", "\\Ric": "\\operatorname{Ric}_{#1}", "\\sgn": "\\operatorname{sgn}", }; div.cheatsheet, div.important-equation { border: 1px solid #002b36;...
KaTeXMacros = { "\\clplus": "\\oplus", "\\clminus": "\\ominus", "\\clmul": "\\otimes", "\\cldiv": "\\oslash", "\\bclmod": "\\mathbin{\\mathrm{clmod}}", }; 1. Overview This article explains Reed-Solomon erasure codes and the problems they solve in gory detail, with the aim of providing enough background to understand how the PAR1 ...
. --> .graph { display: block; width: 300px; height: 300px; margin: 0.5em 0.2em; } .graph-container { display: inline-block; vertical-align: top; max-width: 300px; } (This was discussed on r/math and Hacker News.) 1. Overview In this article, I hope to convince you that the quintic equation is unsolvable, in the sense that I can’t...
(Note: this article is a summary of this thread on ompf2.) The usual method for sampling a sphere from a point outside the sphere is to calculate the angle of the cone of the visible portion and uniformly sample within that cone, as described in Shirley/Wang. However, one detail that is glossed over is that you still need to map from the sampled...