Shadow DOM considered harmful
More from Naman Goel
I saw this article by Jeff Sandberg railing against Tailwind. I’m no fan of Tailwind myself, but the article reeked of elitism and gatekeeping. I don’t think Jeff (or anyone else railing against Tailwind) is doing this on purpose, so I will try to counter with my own arguments: developers are throwing away decades of carefully wrought systems for...
I’ve been learning Rust lately. Rust is one of the most loved languages out there, is fast, and has an amazing community. Rust invented the concept of ownership as a solution memory management issues without resorting to something slower like Garbage Collection or Reference Counting. But, when you don’t need to be quite as low level, it gives...
A trend I have seen recently is that people are making some extremely flawed arguments against React. And then, these same people hype up web components and their only argument is favour of Web Components is that “it’s the platform”, as if implying that Web Components can somehow replace React or a similar UI framework. One day I’m going to write...
Back in 2020, I wrote an article titled “Features CSS Needs” I wanted to revisit it since so much of it has already come true, and to update my list for 2023. A More Powerful calc # Support for dividing units has been part of the official specification for years now, yet no browser has implemented it. calc(100% / 100px) still doesn’t work. This...
Any mention of using Flow in the year 2023 causes strange reactions for web developers everywhere. Why would you do that!? The tradeoffs won’t make sense for everyone, but there are actually some very compelling reasons to choose Flow instead of Typescript. Let’s start with the things that Typescript is undeniably better at. Typescript has much...