Learn to use the accessibility semantics defined by ARIA to create accessible rich internet applications. This guide describes how to apply accessibility semantics to common design patterns and widgets. It provides design patterns and functional examples complemented by in-depth guidance for fundamental practices. — Source...
Today, Ecma International approved the latest edition of the standard ECMA-262: ECMAScript 2022. Changes in this edition (everything with "2022" in the last column) ECMAScript 2022 specification Further ECMAScript links
The article React I Love You, But You're Bringing Me Down describes the most pressing problems with React. It does not require a lot of experience with it, and you will likely run into some of these on a daily basis. In my opinion, one of the most interesting things the author had to say about React and its popularity is the following. I can't...
TypeScript 4.9 beta introduces an interesting new feature: the satisfies operator. The release notes show an example where that can be useful. Generally, it makes it easy to type hint values inline, for example when defining a (complex) object. satisfies is similar to type assertions or the as operator. But unlike with these two approaches,...
In 2017, SessionStack started a thorough series of blog posts explaining how JavaScript works. And even though it has been a while since then, these posts are still worth a read. An overview of the engine, the runtime, and the call stack Inside the V8 engine + 5 tips on how to write optimized code Memory management + how to handle 4 common memory...
Static sites are becoming more popular again. A term that is often used for such static sites is Jamstack (JavaScript, APIs, Markup Stack). Static sites are simple to host as they do not need any (complex) server processing or specific backend technologies. But that may also be a limitation in some cases. Providing a search functionality for a...
Tech documentation is often written in Markdown or similar formats. From there, it can be exported into all sorts of documents. This is a list of related documentation generators and tooling. Antora AsciiDoc Bookdown DocBook DocMost Docosaurus docsify Docus GitBook HonKit Hugo Book JupyterBook Markdoc mdBook MDX MkDocs MkDocs Material MyST Nextra...
TypeScript has had experimental support for the stage 2 Decorators proposal of ECMAScript for a while. And some tools like Angular have been relying on on this experimental implementation for years. In 2022, the Decorators proposal advanced to stage 3. There are some notable differences between the legacy (stage 2) and the current (stage 3)...
ES2023 Candidate April 2023 Note: this is still only a candidate, until the Ecma GA approves it in June. TC39 has approved it in March 2023. https://github.com/tc39/ecma262/releases/tag/es2023-candidate-2023-04
ECMAScript 2023 has been released. https://github.com/tc39/ecma262/releases/tag/es2023 https://262.ecma-international.org/14.0/ The following proposals have reached stage 4 and are part of ECMAScript 2023: Array find from last [MDN] Array#findLast() [MDN] Array#findLastIndex() Hashbang Grammar [MDN] Lexical grammar Symbols as WeakMap keys [MDN]...
A common complaint about the JavaScript world is its framework churn. Seemingly every single day dozens of new frameworks are being created. And seemingly, you are always absolutely required to refactor your applications to use the latest one. And yet, the four most used JavaScript frameworks have existed since at least 2016. Vue.js 1.0 was...
List of open source WYSIWYG and rich text editors (or related tools) for web applications. bangle.dev BlockNote CodeMirror ContentTools Editor.js Etherpad Gutenberg Lexical Mobiledoc Kit Novel Plate ProseMirror Quill Slate Squire Stylo Summernote TOAST UI Editor TinyMCE Tiptap Trix Trumbowyg Wax
The details and summary elements can be used for disclosure and accordion widgets. They are standard HTML elements and collapse or expand when the user clicks on the summary. An example usage could look as follows. details> summary>Summarysummary> p>p> details> These elements are not used that often, though. Many engineers usually implement...
With the recent release of Firefox 121, the :has() pseudo-class is now supported in all important browsers. https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Firefox/Releases/121 https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/:has https://caniuse.com/css-has
The CSS working group (CSSWG) has decided to start working on an Editor's Draft (ED) about CSS Custom Functions and Mixins. These two may be the last big advantages that CSS preprocessors like Sass have over vanilla CSS. https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/9350 #issuecomment-1939628591 https://css.oddbird.net/sasslike/mixins-functions/...
The Digital Markets Act is the EU’s law to make the markets in the digital sector fairer and more contestable. The Digital Markets Act (DMA) establishes a set of clearly defined objective criteria to identify “gatekeepers”. Gatekeepers are large digital platforms providing so called core platform services, such as for example online search...
Vertical centering with CSS has been easy for a couple of years now. Both flexible box layout and grid layout support it. Just use them together with the align-content property. div { display: grid; /* or flex */ align-content: center; } And it is about to become even simpler. The specification of the align-content property was not limited to...
ECMAScript 2024 has been released. https://github.com/tc39/ecma262/releases/tag/es2024 https://262.ecma-international.org/15.0/ ECMAScript Links The following proposals have reached stage 4 and are part of ECMAScript 2024: Well-Formed Unicode Strings [MDN] String#isWellFormed() [MDN] String#toWellFormed() Atomics.waitAsync [MDN]...
The meeting of Ecma TC39 in June 2024 discussed the Temporal proposal that has been in the works for a long time by now. Unfortunately, the discussion was not about being able to publish it soon. Instead, a scope reduction was proposed. Apparently, implementors (Google, Apple, Mozilla) have reservations about the proposal's scope size and...
Temporal is an ECMAScript proposal to add new date and time APIs to JavaScript. https://github.com/tc39/proposal-temporal https://linkedlist.ch/javascript_temporal_40/ It has been in the making for a long time by now. The proposal's repository appeared in 2017 and a lot of activity happened within the last four years. One topic that took a while...