Be Careful With Your HTML element IDs, especially in HTMX
More from callmephilip
I am currently exploring an idea for atproto based group chat platform. It’s called tinychat and it tackles a big problem. Tons of collaboration and communication online happens in group chats these days. Most of these are private. Pretty much all of them hold on to people’s data and make it painfully difficult to access it from outside the...
How much extra javascript do you need to wire a reasonably ambitious and feature full rich text editor in your HTMX based app? Let’s find out. Some context: The very first build of tinychat shipped with a plain text editor. tinychat uses HTMX to get the SPA feel going. Last week I added integration with CK Editor 5. Here is what it looks like:...
This week I’ve been working on containerizing some Pytorch based software. Below are some notes on how to make this process more pleasant and relaxing by avoiding a few pitfalls. I used Paperspace Machines, specifically their ML-in-a-Box which is an Ubuntu 20.04 based image that ships with Docker, CUDA and NVidia Docker already installed. Let me...
Notes for A Hackers’ Guide to Language Models video by Jeremy Howard companion notebook language models predict next tokens based on the input token can either be a whole word or part of a word/puctuation/number example of using OpenAI’s tokenizer from tiktoken import encoding_for_model enc = encoding_for_model("text-davinci-003") toks =...
Ted Nelson documented his efforts to create a computer network with a simple user interface via Project Xanadu in 1974-1975. book The Pledge The purpose of computers is human freedom. I am going to help make people free through computers. I will not help the computer priesthood confuse and bully the public. I will endeavor to explain patiently...