Nobody Gets Fired for Picking JSON, but Maybe They Should?
More from mcyoung
A second post on Go silliness (Miguel, aren’t you a C++ programmer?): in 1.23, Go finally added custom iterators. Now, back when I was at Google and involved in the Go compiler as “the annoying Rust guy who gets lunch with us”, there were proposals suggesting adding something like this, implemented as either an interface or a func: type Iter[T...
Lately I’ve been finding myself writing a bit of Go, and I’ve picked up various fun “layout secrets” that help inform how I write code to minimize hidden allocations, and generally be kind to the optimizer. This article is a series of notes on the topic. This post is about Go implementation details, so they can probably break you at any time if...
I will often say that the so-called “C ABI” is a very bad one, and a relatively unimaginative one when it comes to passing complicated types effectively. A lot of people ask me “ok, what would you use instead”, and I just point them to the Go register ABI, but it seems most people have trouble filling in the gaps of what I mean. This article...
Another explainer on a fun, esoteric topic: optimizing code with SIMD (single instruction multiple data, also sometimes called vectorization). Designing a good, fast, portable SIMD algorithm is not a simple matter and requires thinking a little bit like a circuit designer. Here’s the mandatory performance benchmark graph to catch your eye. ...
Linear algebra is undoubtedly the most useful field in all of algebra. It finds applications in all kinds of science and engineering, like quantum mechanics, graphics programming, and machine learning. It is the “most well-behaved” algebraic theory, in that other abstract algebra topics often try to approximate linear algebra, when possible. For...