Sidney Liebrand's blog

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Sidney Liebrand's blog - Handling FontFaceSet.entries() result not being iterable in Firefox
29 Nov 2022 | original ↗

This post describes how to deal with a bug in Firefox where it fails to properly identify the result of FontFaceSet.entries() as an actual iterable object.

Sidney Liebrand's blog - Building a Next.js page load progress bar
18 Apr 2021 | original ↗

I've seen a fair few tutorials on building a page load progress bar for Next.js applications but most of them use the external library NProgress. While NProgress is a very nice general purpose library we can also build our own 'cheap' progress bar without using any library!

Sidney Liebrand's blog - How I became a web developer
29 Mar 2021 | original ↗

Even though I always knew I wanted to do something with computers, I was certain I could never become a web developer. This post will be my attempt at explaining how I got there anyway :)

Sidney Liebrand's blog - Converting .gif to web-safe video formats using ffmpeg
14 Feb 2021 | original ↗

This post shows how to convert .gif images to web-safe video formats using ffmpeg cli. These formats produce smaller files which means less data to load!

Sidney Liebrand's blog - Creating my own vim statusline
21 May 2020 | original ↗

Recently I decided to clean up my vim plugins once again, I do not think I use too many but I prefer to keep my setup simple. One of the things which bothered me was the configuration for lightline.vim in my vim config. It seemed needlessly complex and I wondered if I could recreate it without any plugins at all!

Sidney Liebrand's blog - Fixing audio configuration after upgrading Ubuntu
20 May 2020 | original ↗

It is never fun when stuff breaks! This post is about me fixing some audio deficiencies after upgrading Ubuntu.

Sidney Liebrand's blog - And your metered paywall isn't part of my story, Medium
10 Jun 2019 | original ↗

I've been greeted by the same "Your story isn't part of the metered paywall" message for a while now, and figured it was time to make a change in the right direction.

Sidney Liebrand's blog - Recruiters who call during working hours
31 Aug 2018 | original ↗

Any kind of cold-call from some random recruiter or sales rep is annoying enough as is. Imagine my frustration when I got a call from a recruiter who called on the company phone in the middle of a working day!

Sidney Liebrand's blog - Codi.vim + fullscreen buffer
27 Aug 2018 | original ↗

Learn how to set up Codi.vim to create a fullscreen scratch buffer that also works with Vim splits. We will take a look at wrapping the Codi command and improving the buffer name(s) as seen in :ls.

Sidney Liebrand's blog - Vim tip: persistent undo
4 Aug 2018 | original ↗

Usually, when you open a file in your editor, make some changes, save and close, you lose the ability to ctrl+Z. Vim has a built in mechanism to persist changes made to files on disk. This may not sound that exciting, but what if your editor crashes while you have a set of changes you may want to revert stored?

Sidney Liebrand's blog - How FZF and ripgrep improved my workflow
24 Jun 2018 | original ↗

In my never ending quest for simplicity I recently discovered FZF and ripgrep. Two command-line tools that have the potential to make every dag programming tasks easier. In this post I will explain how I use these tools to do things in a matter of keystrokes rather than having to re-google that command you keep forgetting every. single. time..

Sidney Liebrand's blog - The greatnesses and gotchas of YAML
23 Dec 2017 | original ↗

YAML is a great language for configuration files, it is a lot more flexible than JSON with comments and inheritance for example. While I was doing some research about YAML I found bits of information scattered all over the place so I attempted to piece the great things and the quirks together in a post!

Sidney Liebrand's blog - A collection of Vim key binds
16 Sept 2017 | original ↗

In my never ending quest for an optimal Vim setup I am always looking for ways to improve. I've used Vim for about two months now and I'm still learning a lot. In this post I'm going to take you through a part of my .vimrc that describes my non-plugin key binds.

Sidney Liebrand's blog - Combining Caniuse with FZF
3 Sept 2017 | original ↗

There is which you can use to search online, but what if you're a lazy dev like me that likes to keep his stuff in the terminal? Well, for this reason I wrote a small wrapper using some of my all time favorite tools: Ruby and FZF!

Sidney Liebrand's blog - Switching to ASDF version manager
15 Aug 2017 | original ↗

Depending on how many languages you program in, getting all their version managers installed, added to $PATH, configured etc... becomes quite a pain when setting up a new system, or even figuring out how this one works because you've used something else for a while.

↑ These items are from RSS. Visit the blog itself at to find everything else and to appreciate author's digital home.