Sidney Liebrand's blog - The greatnesses and gotchas of YAML
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This post describes how to deal with a bug in Firefox where it fails to properly identify the result of FontFaceSet.entries() as an actual iterable object.
I've seen a fair few tutorials on building a page load progress bar for Next.js applications but most of them use the external library NProgress. While NProgress is a very nice general purpose library we can also build our own 'cheap' progress bar without using any library!
Even though I always knew I wanted to do something with computers, I was certain I could never become a web developer. This post will be my attempt at explaining how I got there anyway :)
This post shows how to convert .gif images to web-safe video formats using ffmpeg cli. These formats produce smaller files which means less data to load!
Recently I decided to clean up my vim plugins once again, I do not think I use too many but I prefer to keep my setup simple. One of the things which bothered me was the configuration for lightline.vim in my vim config. It seemed needlessly complex and I wondered if I could recreate it without any plugins at all!