Some non-recommendations of Damned Good Books, with due apologies
On discovering aphantasia and talking about it
On purpose and its temporary suspension
In the hallowed Aether Mug tradition of strained metaphors
Please contribute your own descriptions!
Things you can see by looking over a local's shoulder.
On some Damned Good Books
On Josuushi and questionable language approaches
Rotating things without seeing the things.
A little about Plankton Valhalla and Aether Mug.
I turned my back to art, then turned again.
Or, I Went a Bit Too Far Fantasizing About the Ideal Notification UX
The definitive case in favor of headjacks?
An extra dimension that you can play with.
The very use of words implies a certain way to segment the world.
One way or another, you've gotta chop it up.
Most funny interactions betray the usual categories and seem to be evolutionary or emergent.
Without a vast, detailed replica of the world encoded as models inside your body, you wouldn't survive one day.
"If we are ever to advance beyond simple computational artefacts, we need a science of emergence"