The open calendar, task and note space is a mess
More from Steven Van Bael
I am a heavy tmux and zsh user and today I noticed that starting a new tmux pane started getting slow. Sometimes it took more than 1 second for my shell in the new pane to become interactive. The only thing a new pane is doing is starting up zsh, so zsh initialization was the likely culprit.
This week I’ve come across some articles (links at the end) that made me pull the trigger on executing an idea I’ve been thinking about for a very long time: Rework my personal website to be as minimalist as it can be.
Yesterday I was sharing my screen in a Skype call when we were debugging a broken Jenkins build. During the call my colleague noticed that I was opening the console output of a running build by clicking on the build number in the Build Executor Status sidebar, waiting for the page to load and then clicking on the Console Output. He told me that...