Spiral spectrograms and intonation illustrations
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I can't remember how I first came across these near-ultrasonic 'beacons' ubiquitous in PA systems. I might have been scrolling through the audio spectrum while waiting for the underground train; or it might have been the screeching 'tinnitus-like' sensation I would often get near the loudspeakers at a local shopping centre. Whatever the case, I...
Steamboat Willie (1928) was one of the earliest cartoons with synchronized sound. That is, it had post-production sound effects; this was something new and exciting. Now that the cartoon has recently entered the public domain[bbc24] we can safely delve into its famous soundtrack. See, there's something interesting about how it sounds... If you...
This story, too, begins with noise. I was browsing the radio waves with a software radio, looking for mysteries to accompany my ginger tea. I had started to notice a wide-band spiky signal on a number of frequencies that only seemed to appear indoors. Some sort of interference from electronic devices, probably. Spoiler alert, it eventually led me...
I had a dream one night where a blackbird was talking in human language. When I woke up there was actually a blackbird singing outside the window. Its inflections were curiously speech-like. The dreaming mind only needed to imagine a bunch of additional harmonics to form phonemes and words. One was left wondering if speech could be transformed...
Back in April I bought a vinyl record that had a weird wavy pattern near the outer edge. I though I may have broken it somehow but couldn't even test this because I don't own a record player. *) But when I took a closer look at the pattern it seemed to somehow follow changes in the music. That doesn't look like damage at all. When I played the CD...