My first 30 days of learning to play the piano
More from Bob Monsour
I was tagged by Anders Thoresson to answer the challenge. I accepted. Why Did You Start Blogging In The First Place? As you can see from the first blog post on this particular blog, I'm coming up on just 3 years of blogging here. This is the first time that I have blogged in any manner that you could call consistently. It all started at that time...
My wife and I played Poohsticks on this bridge today. While we have not been playing by the official rules, it was fun.
About six months ago, I transitioned from working out at home with kettlebells to working out at the club where I used to play tennis (I'd still be playing if my knees would allow it). The club was acquired and they replaced all of the gym equipment with new stuff. So I've been going there as my kettlebells gather dust at home. I subscribe to...
My wife and I watched Number 24 yesterday. Borrowing from this imdb description: "Young apprentice Gunnar Sønsteby from Rjukan decides to resist Nazi-Germany on the day of the invasion to later become the leader of the "Oslo-gang" carrying out countless daring acts of sabotage making him Norway's greatest war hero." It starts out as a lecture by...
Table of ContentsIntroductionA data sourceThe data transformationOf ISBNs, cover artwork, and buy linksThere's cover artwork, but sometimes there's notThe buyLink propertyThe rating propertySorting books by the year that I read themConclusion Introduction You can read more about the inspiration for the Books page on the page itself. The purpose...