VR Has Had A Phase Change And I Didn't Know It
More from iRi
Programming languages seem to have somewhat stagnated to me. A lot of shuffling around ideas that already exist, not a lot of new ones. This is not necessarily bad. Shuffling around ideas that already exist is a natural part of refining them. Shuffling around ideas that already exist is safer than a radical rewrite of existing convention. Even...
An increasingly-frequently asked question in the Go subreddit is some variant of: “I have this code but it isn’t doing what I expect it to do.” type MyStruct struct { // definition } type OtherStruct struct { // definition } type MySumType interface { MyStruct | OtherStruct } func main() { myStruct := MyStruct{...} printVal(myStruct) } func...
Pure Python is generally a slow language. Written for performance, it will often be around 40-50 times slower than C, and Python “written for performance” is Python that is very straightforward and does not use many of its features. Python code that has a couple of methods on inherited classes, maybe a non-trivial decorator, and some __getattr__...
In This Post Is Not About Python, I make a comment towards the beginning about how Python “written for performance” is “Python that is very straightforward and does not use many of its features”. It may seem odd to post an addendum prior to the post it is an addendum too, but, let’s just say, I’ve learned a bit about how the Internet reads things...
The term “magic” is commonly thrown about in the programming world without a definition. This post gives a definition for it. Not the definition, just a definition. As a long-standing fuzzy term, I can’t necessarily capture all uses of it in the wild, but I believe this captures a lot of the practical value. Magic Definition A piece of code is...